Chapter 1.3: Dollop head

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The next morning, Merlin sprinted down the stairs, ran outside to reach the tiny supermarket near his home. He bought a bottle of milk and a piece of freshly baked butter cake and went back home with his phone right up under his nose so he could read the words of this mornings news. Walking like this and with his mouth full, Merlin did not see where he went. The result was that he bumped right into old Mr. Gaius, who nearly fell over due to the impact. Merlin helped him stay on his feet.

"I'm so sorry!" Merlin exclaimed. "I didn't see you, I swear..."

Mr Gaius narrowed his eyes. "Then get that thing out of your face and use your eyes, boy! It's no wonder accidents happen when people don't use their eyes!"

Merlin sighed. "I know. I'm really sorry, though." 

The old man uncrossed his arms. "Well, no harm done. Luckily." He looked Merlin over a few times. "Do you have a lift to work?"

Merlin shook his head. "No, I just figured I'd take the tu- wait, are you offering?"

The old man rolled his eyes. "Be ready in twenty minutes. That's when I leave."

A huge smile appeared on Merlin's face. "Oh, thank you, thank you!" Then he ran upstairs to his apartment and left the older man with a slight frown, mumbling: "youth nowadays..."

Merlin was quick to find this things he needed for the day and he was down the stairs again within ten minutes. The door to Mr. Gaius' flat was wide open and Merlin frowned since he was sure he could hear a lot of thumps and rustling in there.

"Where did I put that ancient piece of..." the old man mumbled. He was balancing on a latter that had - without doubt - seen better days.

"Mr. Gaius?" Merlin asked. "Do you need help to find something?"

The old man was surprised to see Merlin appear so quickly and almost fell from where he stood - but Merlin was quick enough to stabilize the latter before Mr Gaius could get hurt. Merlin smiled. "Why don't you let me help find whichever book you're looking for?"

Mr. Gaius took a moment to look at the young lad before agreeing. "It's called 'Celtic mythologies and symbols'," he explained. "And it's a heavy and very old book, young man, so be extremely careful with it." He climbed down and let Merlin take his place. While searching, Merlin learned that the book shelves consisted almost entirely of books concerning old Celtic and national history.

"You must know a lot about the Celts," Merlin said and pulled out a dusty giant of a book. "Got it." He handed the book to Mr. Gaius, who looked utterly surprised.

"Is it the wrong book?" Merlin asked, frowning as he didn't understand the expression on Gaius' face.

"It's the right book..." he mumbled and narrowed his eyes and Merlin climbed down the stairs again. Mr. Gaius suddenly got busy browsing through the book.

"Can I ask what you're looking for?" Merlin said, trying not to interrupt too much.

Mr. Gaius closed the book and put it in his bag. "I am a tour guide at the Palace Museum. It is my job to remember the meanings of the old symbols and myths, but it would seem my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be..." Mr Gaius pointed to Merlin's neck. "Can I see that necklace you're wearing? It is Celtic, isn't it?"

Merlin looked surprised that Mr Gaius had noticed. "Yeah. I inherited it from my mum. It's the only thing of hers that I have. I carry it with me where ever I go. it sort of my lucky charm. I never take it off."

Mr Gaius looked Merlin over for a second before nodding. "As a memory," he said and fumbled with an old ring on his finger. Then he caught himself slipping away into thinking about events from the past and quickly looked at his watch. "Oh well, we better get moving. I'm never late for work and I don't intend to start now. Are you ready?"

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