Chapter 2.5: Into the Darkness

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A/N: New update, yaay! :D

- MysteryOfWordsDK


The old Mr Gaius was a happy man the night Merlin returned home from the summer retreat. He was nearly done writing his book and now only needed a few more facts and legends to put in it. The question was simply which ones to take. Because his full attention was on this, he didn't notice the sadness in Merlin's eyes.

"Gaius, we have to talk," he said.

The old man put his things down, just now seeing what he hadn't before. "Dear boy, what's the matter?"

Merlin made a face and moved to the other side of the couch from Gaius. "I overheard a strange conversation," he began. "It leads me to believe Elly might be involved in magic. I know Maya has magic because she threatened me with it, telling me not to get in the way for my own safety. And that's not all; I've just discovered the Cup has been stolen."

Gaius' eyes became huge. "I beg your pardon?"

"It's them. I know it. They must have followed me, how else would they know to look for it there?" He began pacing around the room. Gaius tried to make him stop, but Merlin was too distressed to listen. "Why is all this happening, Gaius?"

Said man sat down, taking a deep breath. "I don't know, I'm afraid," he answered. "Did she say anything else that might help us to understand?"

Merlin nodded grimly. "Oh yes. She indicated that Arthur isn't the truthful heir to the throne and that she would make sure Elly gets what she deserves. She indicated there is a secret I don't know about... but that you do." He raised both eyebrows suggestively.

Gaius was taken aback. It took him a moment to figure out what to tell Merlin. He sighed. "I have sworn to keep the secret and not tell a soul, but it would seem I have no choice..."

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked.

"I mean that Arthur is not the late king's only child. Princess Elizabeth is his sister."

Merlin's jaw dropped to the floor. "Excuse me?!"

"I have been at the palace for many years. Perhaps too many years. Long enough to know such things. Besides me, only one living member of the royal family knows – Charles. He still considers her to be his daughter, which she also is in all official records."

"Maya knows," Merlin inferred. "And I fear it's just a matter of time before she reveals the truth to Elly. Who knows how she is going to feel about that."

Gaius nodded. "Yes. Let's hope it doesn't make her too mad. And let's hope Arthur will never have to find out."

Merlin nodded, doubtful that this secret would stay secret for long. In fact, he was sure it wouldn't. He sat down in the couch then. "Gaius, can I talk to you about something else?"

The old man nodded. "Of course."

"I found another piece of writing," Merlin explained. "It talks of Mordred. The king's fate."

Gaius' face turned white and once he realized he did everything he could to hide it. "The king's fate?" he repeated.

"Yes, it was a warning, I think. Somehow I knew it was there, knew exactly where to look. How would I know that? And that's not the first time that's happened. I did the same thing with the cup. I just knew where to look."

This did anything but wipe away the sudden shock on Gaius' face. "My dear boy..." he said in a very small voice.

This time Merlin didn't let it pass that easily. "Gaius, what's wrong?"

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