Chapter 1.2: Like Father, Like Son

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A / N: This story is based on the tv-series, but doesn't follow the exact same plot. Hopefully I have managed to do all characters justice in this Merlin story :)


"God. I am so bored. So bored," Arthur mumbled for the eleventh time while wandering through the aisles and corridors of Buckingham palace. He was finally alone, but very much aware that his guards could find him any second. Still, he enjoyed these quiet moments. If there was anything he hated in this world then it was when he was being forced to do something. And his dad had a tendency to want to decide everything that went on in Arthur's life. That was the worst part of being the son of England's current king - and heir to the throne for that matter. After recent events, Arthur was forbidden to go anywhere on his own and was to stay inside the palace walls at all times. It was positively the most annoying thing Arthur had ever gone through. It was as his grandfather would have put it like being in 'constant agony'. Only when his cousin, Stuart, joined him in mischievous jokes would the boredom seize to exist - for a while. Arthur was glad to have at least one good friend inside the walls.

Just then a smirking face appeared.
"Arthur, quick! In here!" Stuart waved Arthur into his rooms, checking no one had seen him enter.

"Thank God," Arthur said, when Stuart locked the door. "I need a breather."

Stuart smiled and mock-bowed to his cousin. "Anytime. So what did your father ask of you this time? I imagine you're still on lockdown," he said whilst handing Arthur something to drink. He knew very well how the king could be.

Arthur shrugged, chugging the cold liquid down. "He wants me - well, us - to attend the annual dinner party as he calls it. He wanted to discuss my security detail for the evening and then the usual report of my activities for the day. I can barely go to the bathroom on my own. It's driving me absolutely mad."

Stuart raised an eyebrow, trying not to smile. "Of course it is. Our father has also put extra security on Elly and I. But at least I can still go out for a drink now and then." He made a few dance moves.

"My father is always right," Arthur said mockingly. "Sometimes I just wish I was normal."

"You, normal?" Stuart repeated. "What a laugh. Do you even know how to cook an egg?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "Do you?" He retorted.

"Certainly not."

The two young men chuckled and took another slurp of their drinks. For a moment, they simply enjoyed the quiet of the place, which was strangely comforting. Every wall of the palace held paintings a plenty, showing the history of the great British monarchy. A family who had witnessed and played a part in England's entire history.

However, history wasn't something which interested Arthur and Stuart very much. The two of them had been friends always and shared a habit of trying their parents' patience. As kids, they had several times left the palace grounds unguarded for an entire day until they had been found and scolded. To this day, they liked to attempt little escapes from their security details. The king certainly didn't approve of this kind of behavior. It wasn't suitable for young noblemen, he said. But who cared? Getting away from duties and traditions was nice once in a while. Arthur much preferred sport and horse riding over fancy dinners and receptions.

"Any leads on whatever happened to you both that day?" Stuart asked, drowning some more of his drink.

Arthur shook his head. "Nothing. And even if there was I doubt my father would tell me. The only thing I needed to do was to answer his questions. Otherwise I'm just a prisoner."

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