Chapter 2.8: The Lake of Avalon

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Elly went on her way to Gwen's rooms. On the way, she received a message. Her necklace started to glow, which made her flash a smile. It was time to set things in motion. She continued with renewed confidence and enter Gwen's rooms unannounced. All the furniture had been rearranged for the coming Queen's needs, the closet filled with new clothes and shoes to fit the job. It was all in the name of elegance and glory, but of course Elly did not see it that way. She felt almost revolted by the sight and only just found it in her to smile as the doors were opened to reveal Gwen standing in the most beautiful white gown. It was simple, but cut exactly to match Gwen's slim body. The work now was only the final details to ensure everything was indeed perfect.

Gwen smiled at Elly, choosing not to say anything about the strangely hateful look on her face. "What do think?" she asked and did a twirl. "Do you think Arthur will like it?"

Elly nodded stiffly. "I'm certain he will. There's no need to worry about that."

Gwen smiled. There was nothing she wanted more than to see the proudness in her coming husband's eyes as she walked down the aisle. She was aware that all the eyes of England would be resting upon her, but as long as Arthur was the one she was walking to, it wasn't enough to scare her away. Gwen felt ready to take on the task as queen, to start a new chapter with Arthur. Of course she hoped he would be happier than he had been lately. Sadness had hung over him like a dark cloud ever since the King passed away.

"Is something troubling you?" Elly said and pulled Gwen from her thoughts.

Gwen tried to brush it off as nothing, but she didn't quite pull it off. "I just worry for Arthur. He's been so sad lately."

Elly raised an eyebrow. "Is it any wonder?" she responded in a sharp tone.

Gwen blinked. "No, but... I love him. I wish he could be happy instead."

Elly looked at Gwen, her eyes narrowed, before turning to the tailors. "Can you leave us please?" Elly asked them. They all nodded and rushed out of the room at Elly's command.

Gwen had a very bad feeling at the pit of her stomach. Never before had she felt uncomfortable being alone with Elly, but lately she had changed into someone who was almost unrecognizable.

Elly eyes turned almost sad. "You know, Gwen," she said. "I've always liked you. You've always been such a good friend to me. That's why it's such a shame destiny has chosen to put you in my way."

Gwen looked even more confused. "What are you talking about?" she said, a little scared now.

"If you marry him, I'll have no choice," Elly continued unaffected. "You will have chosen a side."

"Elly, what is going on?" Gwen said with a little more persistence this time. "Do you need help?"

Elly laughed bitterly. "No. But I do need you to separate yourself from Arthur if you want to live."

Gwen's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe it. She never expected to hear those words from Elly's mouth. She tried one more time to show kindness, but Elly raised her hand and that simple movement sent Gwen crashing into the wall, instantly knocking her unconscious. For a few moments Elly looked her her with cold, dead eyes. Someone she had called a friend for so long – but who had now betrayed her. There was no love left. Elly turned on her heel, ready to set the big plan in motion. She was going to get justice. The first part had been performed perfectly. Now Maya was waiting for her to continue the long deserve vengeance.

In another hallway, Merlin had just found Agent McGwaine.

"Did you find her?" McGwaine asked. "Did it work?"

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