Chapter 2.10: The Heir

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It was a rainy Friday morning. The morning papers read:




In short, they all told the same story, but none of them featured the true details of what had happened that night at the Round Table. None of them mentioned Arthur's presences. It would seem McGwaine had done a good job keeping what really happened a secret from the rest of the world. If anything, Arthur knew his new Head of Security was a good and trustworthy man. He was proving that even now as he was driving Arthur secretly through the streets of London towards the gates of London Isolation Centre. They were going there without the knowledge of neither Gwen nor Merlin – but Arthur felt that now was the right time and he needed to do it. He needed to have his absolution. Pushing away his emotions, he made ready to exit the car and hurry through the backdoor to the centre. A staff member lead him straight to one of the few visitor's rooms in the entire building. As soon as he had entered the door was even locked for good measure.

A smirk formed on the prisoner's lips. "So did you miss me or did you forget to tell me something last time we meet?" Everything about who was once Prince Stuart was different. He had grown a beard over these past months and his eyes had grown tired. Even his voice seemed deeper and raspier than usual.

Arthur was tense as he sat opposite him.

Stuart chuckled. "Are you the one delivering my breakfast today? I do hope that means I get sausages with my eggs today." His smile got bigger when Arthur crossed his arms.

"I am not here to talk about food," Arthur replied. The expression on his face made even Stuart's smile dissolve into seriousness. Stuart moved about in his chair a little and started fidgeting with his shirt.

"All right. I suppose I'm not getting sausages today."

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "I will say this only one time. I am done with your games. I came here to tell you that your sister is missing."

After that, Stuart's eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me? Did I get that right? My sister is missing and you're not out searching the entire country for her? Did you two have a fight?"

Now Arthur could not stop a glare, but he had to remember that Stuart was now living a very isolated life and so he would not know what happened outside the walls of this building.

"Is that why I wasn't invited to your big party? Yeah, they do tell me of palace business even in here," Stuart said with a playful smile. "We are family after all."

Arthur's eyes shot lightening. "No, we are not family. What we are is related by blood only, but other than that you can consider yourself unwelcome anywhere near the palace grounds. You are not even allowed to wave at Gwen and I when we are in the public. In fact, you have been removed from the list of heirs to the throne should something happen to me. Now all you have to do, Stuart, is sit here for the rest of your sorry life and take your punishment as you deserve. You will know that no one will come to visit you and that you are all alone. None of us will be coming to see you again. Consider this our final goodbyes. Perhaps you can find it in yourself to one day regret what you have done." Arthur got up without another word and stormed out of the tiny room as soon as the staff had unlocked the door again. Stuart was left behind, speechless. He even felt a tiny tear beginning to slip from the corner of his eye. He most definitely didn't have an appetite for eggs and sausages anymore.

Back at the museum at Buckingham Palace the employees were busy making ready for the book reception of "The Ancient Land of Albion" by Archibald H. Gaius. Champagne of the very expensive kind were placed with waiters and on tables for the guests to enjoy along with nicely prepared snacks from the palace kitchens. Just near the entrance the ticket booth had been turned into an autographing table. It carried a copy of the book for each guest of the reception. Right over the table there was a large banner of the book's cover and a picture of the author, Mr Gaius himself. It warmed his heart that he had finally gotten a book of his own published since it had been a lifelong dream and he was most grateful to have Merlin help him get it all up and running. Merlin had been very busy these past weeks with the royal wedding and coronation ceremony and now this reception. He was a good boy.

"I think my feet are going to fall off in five seconds," Merlin said, a little out of breath, but smiling.

Old Gaius chuckled. "Have some water before you fall over, Merlin, we have it all under control." He searched for water and was quickly handed one by a waiter.

Merlin frowned. "How are you so calm? This is your book reception! It's a big deal," he pointed out and chugged the water fast.

Mr Gaius nodded. "Indeed. But why should I be nervous when I have the best help in the world. I have to ask however, is there something on your mind?"

Merlin shrugged. "I can wait," he assured the old man.

Mr Gaius raised both eyebrows. "I'd rather you told me now so I do not have to worry about you."

"Fine." Merlin sighed. "It's just that I've been wondering how that poor girl Maya came in contact with Morgause's spirit. How did she at all manage to preserve it for so long? I don't understand."

Gaius frowned. "Now that is a dilemma," he agreed. "But nevertheless she can't come back anymore. You made sure of that, did you not?"

Merlin nodded. "Positively certain she can never come back this time. Arthur is safe to rule and command us all about."

"Are you telling me that you think Arthur is a good king?" Mr Gaius asked with a smile.

It made Merlin chuckle. "Oh, I think he is great, but let's not inflate his ego too much. Let's stick with good."

The old man laughed this time. "Certainly. Perhaps it is also time to say thanks to you, Merlin. Not many people will know, but I am immensely impressed by you. Your parents would have been proud. I am."

Merlin smiled thankfully at Gaius and put his arm around him as the guests began to arrive. Gaius and Merlin made sure to greet them all and most importantly the last arriving ones; King Arthur and Queen Gwen. He with a smile on his face, remaining strong and her, beautiful as ever. Merlin was very proud to see them arriving in true royal style.

"I think we deserve a drink, don't you?" Mr Gaius suggested and Merlin nodded eagerly. He had been waiting to taste that expensive champagne for long enough now. He felt as if he could even down an entire glass in one go. Merlin and Mr Gaius toasted. Old Gaius was happy there was finally some peace at Buckingham Palace, even for Arthur and Merlin. Those moments were becoming a rare sight in these days. That was also why he chose not to tell Merlin of the woman he saw sneaking about the crowds, hiding her face behind her long, dark hair. A woman he knew so well. It would seem Elly was not quite done yet with Arthur yet. However, in that moment Mr Gaius chose to turn his back to her as if to forget what he had seen. Instead he made set out to cherish this night without any trouble of the mythical kind.



This was the final chapter this time around.

What are your thoughts? Do you like the ending?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, hopefully you have enjoyed reading it all the way through.

And once again I'd like to thank you a thousand times for reading! :D :D :D

- MysteryOfWordsDK

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