Chapter 2.2: Strange Things Do Happen

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A/N: So how is everyone? Me for instance, I'm working my butt off at the moment to fund some traveling. Gonna be great. Sorry I took so long uploading this chapter. It's been rewritten over and over again and so this is what I came up with.
- MysteryOfWordsDK

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Early in the morning Merlin stood alone at the foot of the huge tree in the royal gardens. The very tree that hid a thousand-year old secret, which was the Cup of Wisdom itself. It was not visible on the cup itself that it had been forgotten for so many years. It shone bright like it was made of the purest gold. Simply build, but still magnificent to behold - and the energy was oozing from it. Merlin had inspected it time and time again, just to see if there was something he had missed. He had found nothing so far and wondered how the cup could be used in the fight against Morgana. Mr Gaius had told him an old legend of a sorceress who had used it to create an army of immortal men by spilling drops of their blood into the cup. To think the cup had so great and terrible power was somewhat unimaginable. Nevertheless, Merlin liked to listen to the old stories. Gaius knew far more of them than he Merlin did himself. It so happened that Mr Gaius could not read the ancient language. So when he found out that Merlin could, he was very excited. The old man was busy at the moment writing what he hoped could be his first book. Its topic, of course, was ancient British history. All the legends about Arthur, the sorcerer Merlin, and their adventures were featured along with other stories, which originated from that time. Merlin was very impressed with Mr. Gaius' work and did his best to help. It was both interesting and educational for him. He also read several pages in the book of Killgarrah a day.

However, not everyone was as interested in British history as Merlin. Since the revelation of Prince Stuart's supposed 'insanity', Arthur had stopped talking about the legends altogether. Merlin knew it had begun to scare him, and so it seemed easier to simply not talk about it at all. Merlin understood Arthur. Merlin's worries were more of the present than of the past at the moment. He had spent several nights, worrying about a potential problem. Admittedly, he had no proof or arguments to back up his suspicions. Only an inexplicable feeling that went all the way from his toes to the tips of his fingers. A feeling, that made him constantly paranoid. It was an instinct that something powerful was moving nearer. Perhaps it could even be called a bad omen. He could not do much other than wait for the blow to come.

Furthermore, Elly's return after the King's passing seemed strange. Ever since she set foot on the doorsteps of the palace, the look in her eyes had been colder and her ever-heartwarming happiness had vanished from the face of the earth. From her eye, a single tear would fall as if deliberate. Along with that came the fact that she hadn't been alone in returning. She was a tall, slender woman with blond hair and piercing blue eyes. It was almost as if she could see through people and tell the entire story of your life. Her name was Maya, and she was said to be Arthur and Elly's cousin. The kind smile on her face was hollow as she had greeted Gwen, Charles and Arthur who were there to receive them along with Merlin. He felt he was the only one who could see the darkness in her eyes and the threat in her presence. He feared that she knew more than what was good for any of them.

Maya's almost cunning smile was a picture so clearly imprinted in Merlin's mind that he was sure he would be able to draw a perfectly detailed picture of it. Arthur saw nothing. He thought Merlin to be strange as per usual. It had been an overcast day not uncommon in Britain. Flags of mourning were swaying from every post in London. Another regent had joined the dead. The rain began to fall gently as a subtle black Mercedes slid through the palace gates almost unnoticed until it was driven up to the reception area. When the door was opened by the chauffeur, two women stepped out quietly. It revealed Ely and another woman. Elly's face was strangely pale. After taking a good look at Arthur, she went straight to him to kiss both of his cheeks as a gesture of welcome. She also gave her condolences and let the single, silent tear fall to complete the facade. Merlin was certain she did not feel anything at all. She then moved on to her father, gave him a stiff kiss on the left cheek, and smiled at Gwen as she hugged her with the same dark face. She promptly introduced Maya mostly to Gwen and to Merlin who hadn't met her before. She was a cousin not seen at court for some time.

"Arthur. It's been a while." She did a courtesy and he nodded politely.

"So it has, Maya. How are you?" Arthur replied.

She chuckled, but her eyes were burning. "Should I not be the one asking that question?" she posed. "I am... sorry for your loss." Her eyes were nothing, but a thin line.

"Thank you," he answered just as stiffly. "We have tea ready to be served in the sitting room. If you would follow me." The others went inside, but Gwen stayed behind. She kept her gaze on the far end of the courtyard where the gates where located.

"It's strange, isn't it," she said and Merlin frowned.


"How suddenly they seem to be best friends. I've never seen or heard of this Maya before. Elly is usually so careful. It's just... odd." Gwen turned to look at Merlin. The look in his eyes made her feel as if he understood perfectly well what she was referring to. "It's only... I don't really like her. The look on her face makes me anxious."

Merlin nodded. "I don't like her much either," he admitted with a small chuckle. "There is definitely something strange about her. Perhaps it is nothing. As I understood it she can relate to how Elly must be feeling after that business with Stuart last year."

Gwen nodded.

"I don't think we have to worry," Merlin lied.

"You are right, Merlin. We should not dwell on it. Elly is back and we should be glad. The best we can do is to treat her new friend respectfully whether we like her or not. We can always hope she leaves early." She blinked at Merlin and followed Arthur and the others to join them for afternoon tea. Merlin was allowed in the room where he stood quietly in the corner along with the server. He spent that time to take a closer look at this Maya. Her ever stoic and cold eyes rested on Arthur without emotion every time he spoke. Conversation was polite and in reality quite boring. Elly explained, that she and Maya had met in the countryside since Elly and been invited to dinner at a friend's estate where Maya had also been invited. They had fallen into conversation and had discovered they had many things in common. For one, they both knew how it felt to lose someone. Supposedly, Maya was left with an old and often indisposed father and a brother who wasn't right in the head. The comparison to Charles and Stuart was left unsaid, but hung in the air. Especially since Charles' sudden absence did not go unnoticed. Elly was quick to change the subject.

"I've heard a little bird sing of an engagement," she announced with a little careful smile whilst her eyes went from Arthur to Gwen and back.

They both blushed accordingly.

Elly laughed. "I knew you two would make the sweetest couple. I am so happy for you."

Maya said nothing.

Arthur raised both eyebrows. "Yes, thank you," he mumbled. "The date is set to be in the spring. I will let Merlin give you the details."

Maya's gaze turned to Merlin.

Elly nodded. "Good. A spring wedding will be absolutely perfect. Then we will be rid of that horrid snow. It is so dull and grey this time of year. I prefer to travel at this time whilst my father likes to stay at home and read books by the fire. I get the feeling sometimes that he loves those books more than anything else." She smiled with some strain.

Minutes later they all retreated to their separate rooms. Merlin made ready to follow Arthur. To his surprise, Maya's eyes had landed on him yet again.

"It is Merlin, isn't it?" she said with a flash of a smile. Interest was written all over her face mixed with something Merlin couldn't quite identify.

"Yes," he responded. "I'm Arthur's assistant. And you are his cousin, I understand. I hope you will like it here."

Her eyes turned hard. "Most kind. One does stick with one's family in a crisis. Believe me when I say it lies much deeper than the ordinary eye can see," she declared cryptically. "Good day, Merlin."

Merlin frowned as he watched her ascend the grand staircase with a certain grace. She played her role well, Merlin thought, well enough to give him the chills. There was no doubt he needed to find out her intensions before she could cause any permanent damage. He was sure she had no fond feelings for Arthur even if he did not see it himself. And of course he was at his most vulnerable at the moment. It was the perfect time to strike - and it only made Merlin more paranoid by the minute.

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