Chapter 1.11: The Book of Wisdom & Spells

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A huge applause erupted, but Arthur hardly noticed. The anger on Stuart's anger had been replaced by a cruel smile that didn't allow Arthur to ignore it.

"I know one of them. The Trinity. Once I get it you will not be able to stop me, so do not cross me - old friend."

Arthur didn't respond and Stuart didn't take his hand when he got up. Mr Leon ran onto the field to raise Arthur's right arm and declare him victor of the tournament. The King got out of his chair to proudly applaud his son and was followed by everyone else. Arthur looked exhausted when Elly ran out on the field to support him as he received his medal and the King shook his hand and patted him on the shoulder. Stuart shook his hand briefly, saying "Remember, remember, Arthur" before leaving the field, surprising everyone present. Elly looked confused, but Arthur shook his head. He thanked the crowd and according to tradition, he was to be congratulated by a woman. He was aware that everyone expected him to choose Elly has he had done in the past, but she only gave him a smile and lead him towards Gwen. She took off her scarf and tied it to his sword as a gesture. People started cheering louder as several more girls, all of noble stand, tied their scarfs to his sword as well - they all wanted a piece of him. Arthur kept up a smile with the last of his energy. He knew he needed to speak to Merlin. So as soon as he could get free, he hurried to his tent with McGwaine right on his heels.

"Your highness?" McGwaine said, when Arthur as good as collapsed when he sat on the bench there.

"My phone," Arthur asked and McGwaine started searching for it. "Jacket, left pocket."

McGwaine handed it to him. "What's going on, your highness?"

Arthur made another face of agony. "I need you to help me make sure that Stuart does not leave the party this afternoon. He must not leave, not for anything."

"But, Sir--"

"McGwaine, it is important. It is about saving my father's life," Arthur interrupted.

McGwaine fumbled for words, until he realised something. "Is Stuart the one behind all this??" he asked in shock.

Arthur nodded. "Yes. That is why I need your help, since the best way to protect my dad is by keeping Stuart away. Do you understand?"

McGwaine nodded and went on his way, alerting his squad to watch Stuart's movements. Meanwhile, Arthur sent Merlin that very important message:

You were right, I didn't get to tell you earlier. Stuart says he knows where to find one part of the Trinity. Don't know which. I'll try to distract him and you have to find out exactly what he knows meanwhile. I fear we do not have long. I will keep you posted. Good luck.

As soon as Merlin let his hand fall, Mr Gaius stared at him with the deepest feeling of shock and amazement he had ever felt his entire life. "But that's not possible!" he mumbled.

"That's what my mother said when she first saw what I can do," Merlin said. "And the coincidences I told you about are not coincidences. I'm sorry that I lied about that. I've just always been able to do things... Usually, I have also been able to control them, but after my mother... it's gotten worse and worse and it's like I see signs everywhere. Warnings."

Mr Gaius stood as frozen. "What kind of warnings?"

"That Morgana is back. It's like someone's trying to get that through to me. I think we have to stop Stuart before it's too late. I have a feeling we don't have much time left."

Then Arthur's message ticked in. "Stuart knows where to find one of the pieces of the Trinity," Merlin exclaimed. "I have to find it before he does... Arthur is keeping him at bay."

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