Chapter 2.7: The Bonds of Sacrifice

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Merlin met at work the next day with one agenda in mind; he was going to see Arthur's ring and he was going to stop the royal family from crumbling any further. He was going to make Arthur see that the Elly he knew and loved was fading into something dark and unrecognizable. To that end there was but one weapon he could use; the truth. He went straight to meet with Arthur to go through today's duties with a cup of tea and some coffee as well. Merlin slowly found the courage to speak.

"Why did you turn her away earlier?" Merlin asked.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Of all things, Merlin why do you care about just that?"

"Because she needs help Arthur," Merlin explained desperately. "And she needs it from you, certainly not Maya!"

Arthur gave his assistant a disapproving look. "Elly is going to be fine. She is grieving. This death has undoubtedly reminded her of the late King's passing – and is it any wonder? It's a good thing she has found a friend in Maya, she's someone who can understand what it feels like to loose someone as close as a parent! I can't see there's anything wrong with that!"

Merlin raised both eyebrows at the word 'parent'. What he was about to do was more than a little unorthodox. He was going to reveal the deepest secret of the royal family to the unknowing Arthur. So he dragged Arthur to his study, asked McGwaine to guard the door and locked it for good measure.

"You better sit down," Merlin told a very confused Arthur. Meanwhile, he thought of how great it was that hanging or beheading was no longer allowed for Arthur would surely have found the most painful way to kill him after this. Of course he could always expel Merlin from the palace, which would be bad enough. There was no telling how Arhthur was going to react to this.

Arthur himself had done as Merlin suggested and taken a seat behind his desk, resting his head on his hand with a very impatient expression. "Today Merlin," he urged.

Merlin raised both eyebrows. "This isn't just speculation," he declared. "I'm trying to think of a way to tell you this without getting killed..."

Arthur raised an eyebrow too. "What did you forget this time?"

Merlin rolled his eyes. "It's nothing like that. It's about your father. There's something he never got to tell you."

Arthur finally seemed to be listening when it became clear that it was indeed a serious matter. "What exactly are you suggesting, Merlin?" he asked.

"Elly is your sister," Merlin blurted out as fast as he could.

Arthur's eyes hardened. "Who told you that nonsense?" he demanded.

Merlin sighed. "It was someone very close to your family. Someone who has been around for many years, that's all I'm telling you. I believe it, though. Your father has always treated Elly as if she was his own daughter, hasn't he? Always leaving Stuart to be the third party."

"No..." Arthur started shaking his head vigorously. He didn't want to realize that truth.

"And," Merlin continued to Arthur's dread. "She looks more like him than like Charles – or Stuart for that matter—"

Arthur slammed his fist into the desk. "My father would never lie to me," he insisted, but the look on his face said otherwise.

Merlin knew he had to tread carefully. "I'm sure there must have been a good reason for him to hide it," he said, trying to sound convincing.

Rubbing his hands over his face, Arthur started to look defeated. He took off his ring and let it lie on the table. He didn't look up from it as he continued to speak. "I really hope my mother wasn't told. Imagine what it would've done to her... I hardly want to know what happens if Elly finds out."

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