Chapter 2.6: The Quickening

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It was safe to say that everyone living soul in Buckingham Palace had been through something of an ordeal lately. Agent Thomas had been seen leaving his post late at night and had disappeared. Agent McGwaine wouldn't accept it and led the search for his friend and colleague. All parts of the palace were searched and McGwaine was bewildered. In the end there was but one place he hadn't searched. That was the highest balcony. Following his instincts, he ascended the stairs and found the window open and he frowned. This was odd. He continued and drew his gun for protection before stepping out to search the balcony itself – but it was empty. He had an idea that something had happened there at night so he searched and took a look down.

That's when he saw someone lying curled up on the ground below. It set his feet in motion and he ran down, his brain trying to deny what he'd just seen. He called all men to meet him there and had probably never been running so fast before. He reached the palace grounds, with his gun still out, but not pointed as he sprinted forward towards the figure lying in the grass. The other agents were not far behind. McGwaine remembered so clearly how Agent Thomas' face was blank and seemingly unharmed. He could be sleeping, except the rest of his body carried injuries severe enough to cause death. His left shoulder was dislocated, the neck twisted in an odd way and the legs were spread out in a way that could only mean that they too were dislocated. It was a sight of horror. A point of no return.

To Merlin, it seemed that Maya had declared war. She had taken the life of a good man undeserving of such an early passing. It was deeply unfair and McGwaine let accusations fly. He even yelled after Maya, who played her role as innocent and Elly didn't show. McGwaine kept yelling so that Arthur himself had to grab him and take him to another room to calm down. In there, Gwen was crying silently in the corner. Merlin also let a tear slip. He understood McGwaine's anger and Arthur's attempt to keep the pieces from falling apart and Gwen's feeling of hopelessness. It was like a blow to the head. Not rain, not snow could make Merlin's footsteps heavier than they already felt. If only he had done something to prevent it. Anything.

The whole incident was handled with the upmost care so that the scandal wouldn't spread widely in the media and in the public. It was explained to be nothing but an accident to them, but inside the walls of the palace Arthur swore to find the killer. At the funeral everyone was present. Agent Percival Thomas got a worthy send off with respects paid by military colleagues, other agents and the royal family. Merlin sat next to Mr Gaius who gave him a silent pat on the shoulder as comfort when the service began. It was everything it should be; respectful, quiet and without too many tears. Agent Thomas himself probably would have liked it that way, Merlin thought.

"Arthur," Elly said as the service came to a close. Her eyes were red and swollen, which momentarily stunned Arthur. Elly would rarely cry, only when she lost something very dear to her and to Arthur's knowledge she hadn't known Agent Thomas all that well.

"El, not now. I must get back to receive the guests at the palace."

"But—" she protested, mouth quivering.

"We'll talk later," Arthur promised, kissed her forehead, and hurried on his way.

Elly watched him go in disbelief. He had never turned her away like that before. She couldn't believe it. was it possible he knew the secret between them too?

A hand landed on her shoulder. "This is what comes of it when you ask the enemy for help, my dear. He does not want to see you," Maya said as if answering Elly's thoughts. "We have to follow the plan if you are ever to assume the throne. For that, Arthur must be dealt with."

Elly let a tear slip as she nodded. "You're right of course," she declared. It was time for a bit of change in the royal family now. It was time to cast away the kings to make way for a new queen.

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