Chapter 1.6: Excalibur

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There were maps and books spread all over the floor. It was 3:40 at night and Arthur and Merlin hadn't slept a wink. The prince was scratching his neck and slurping coffee to keep his eyes open while searching... He had been trying to recreate the symbol he'd seen of the hood of their attacker and drawn the symbol on Merlin's necklace too so they could compare them. They were both Triquetras, although Merlin's had what looked like moons surrounding it which was wiccan and the attacker's had little red stones carved in it.

"Tell me again what we know about these," Arthur said and Merlin nodded.

"Right. We can assume whoever bore that hood is a believer of the Wiccan Celts - those who practised dark arts. Like I've told you there are two directions in the Wiccan belief. My mother explained that these..." he pointed to the symbol on his necklace "... belong to the ones who followed Merlin. He was King Arthur's most valued advisor, but to the Wiccans he was also the greatest sorcerer who has ever lived. The other one..." he pointed to the other symbol "... belongs to Morgana or Morgan. She has many faces all according to what you believe. The most common one is that she was the sister of King Arthur and like Merlin she had special powers, only, Morgana used her powers for more sinister purposes and made it her mission to take the throne from Arthur. She never succeeded. Many of her followers have since tried to avenge her - but even those stories are from the old times."

Arthur nodded. "It can explain why my father and I are being targeted," Arthur concluded.

Merlin frowned and sipped his own coffee. "I've been meaning to ask," he started. "You've said it earlier tonight, that you believe you weren't the intended target the first time - how come?"

Arthur looked hesitant. "My father has many enemies," he answered. "He is constantly in greater danger than I am, Merlin, he's the King. Over the years, there have been attempts on his life, which he has chosen to keep out of the public - and with good reason." Arthur raised both eyebrows. "I don't know this person is targeting my father, but if we look at the legends which our attacker seems to be doing, those who sided with Arthur would be their enemies. A King who honors the Arthurian Legends would then be an obvious target."

Merlin turned to a page in an old dusty book where an illustration had been made of the mythical king and the Knights of the Round Table. "Point taken," Merlin agreed and noticed a separate man standing in the background, his figure almost illuminated and he smiled. "But we might need to assume that your entire family is in danger because of your bloodline."

Arthur gave Merlin a look. "I'm aware. That's why we've got to stop whoever's doing this."

Merlin gave a nod and they spent the rest of the night discussing the importance of the symbols. Merlin was surprised that Arthur cared so passionately for solving this. Until now he hadn't seen the prince be serious about anything, not even his royal duties. But when it came to protecting his family, Arthur went all in without a second thought. It was an entirely different person Merlin was seeing in him now.

Merlin had fallen asleep on one of the couches and awoke when he felt someone shake him.

"Come on, then. Get up," Arthur said when Merlin opened his eyes. "We have to find Mr. Gaius, do hurry up."

Merlin blinked a couple of times and sat up, glancing at the old clock by the fireplace. "But... Mr Gaius won't be in until eight, Arthur. That's in twenty minutes."

The prince made a face. "We'll go anyway," he decided.

Merlin raised an eyebrow, but followed the prince anyway. Outside the door were Arthur's two bodyguards. One of them looked bored to death whilst the other blocked Arthur's way.

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