Chapter 1.9: A Question of Identity

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Upon arriving at the palace, Merlin and Arthur had to sneak in unseen. They took the staff entrance where two men stood guard. Arthur swallowed thickly and Merlin did his best to greet the two men as he normally would. If they recognized Arthur the King would know he had left and they would be in trouble. Merlin pressed in his code and hurriedly dragged Arthur inside. The door closed behind them with a slam and only then could they breathe a little easier -but it was short-lived.

Awaiting their arrival were agents Thomas and McGwaine. They did not look happy.

"Your highness, good to see you back. Is there a chance you might tell us where you went?" agent Thomas said in an angry tone of voice. It did not sound like he was asking a question, it sounded far more like a command.

Arthur hesitated. "I'm sorry, but I really can't tell you."

Agent Thomas took a deep breath. "I see. And why is that?"

"We just went travelling," Merlin so obviously lied and flashed a goofy smile. It made McGwaine frown and Thomas crossed his arms.

"I know you are under my father's employment, but it's important he isn't told about this. Please," Arthur added looking the two agents in the eyes. "Do I have your word?"

McGwaine looked at Thomas who looked at Arthur and then Merlin. He narrowed his eyes. "Did you find what you were looking for?" agent Thomas asked, much to everyone else's surprise.

"Yes..." Arthur said. "But do I have your word? It really is important."

Agent Thomas turned to McGwaine and gave him some sort of instruction to which he nodded. "This time you do," agent Thomas said.

Arthur's jaw might as well have dropped to the floor. "You're serious?"

"Yes," Thomas replied. "Which is why I advise you to head to your rooms before your father returns from his current appointment with his brother." With that the agent walked away still not quite happy, but not angry either.

"Did he just provide us with an alibi and agree to lie to your dad? What happened?" Merlin said, dumbstruck, and a confused McGwaine shrugged.

"Don't ask me, I don't understand the man," McGwaine said. "Is there really no chance you can tell me what you were doing?" He looked from Merlin to Arthur.

"We can't," Arthur maintained. "I'm sorry, McGwaine, I know you're a good man. But this secret is an important one.

"If you believe it's for the best." McGwaine didn't look completely convinced, but left Arthur and Merlin to themselves.

As soon as he was gone, Merlin took over. "I didn't get a chance to show you this until now, so..." he pulled out the drawing of the spiral Myers had drawn on his paper and showed it to Arthur. "Myers gave me this. He said if I was who I was, I'd know what it is and where to look. Thing is I haven't got a clue what he meant by that."

Arthur raised an eyebrow.

"I know it sounds odd," Merlin continued. "But I do feel like I've seen it before. I just can't remember where..."

"I think I know where it is. On my father's ring he inherited from my grandfather. It has a spiral on it."

Merlin frowned. "Weird..."

Agent Thomas appeared at the other end of the hall and cleared his throat to get their attention. "Your father asks that you retire for the night, Sir, you should be well rested in the morning for practice."

Arthur nodded and looked Merlin in the eye. "My father might know what it means. I will ask him if you talk to Mr Gaius. Show him the translation, if necessary. You can join me at practice, it will be fun - and we can talk then in an unsuspicious way.

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