Chapter 2.9: A Lie From The Heart

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"Where do I stop?" McGwaine asked and tried to locate Merlin's eyes in the dark.

"You will see a sign that says 'La Mesa Rodunda'."

McGwaine frowned. "The Round Table?"

"Yes," Merlin confirmed. "That's where we will find them. Considering they must have the Cup the legends have foretold that you must go there to use it."

Arthur remained sceptic about all that. "The Cup? As in the Cup of Wisdom?" he said in strong disbelief. "Merlin, the Cup, the Sword and the Sorcerer, whatever they are, they are nothing but legends!"

"Are you sure about that, your majesty?" Merlin questioned.

They arrived with screeching tires and heart rates going faster still. All three of them felt a strong unease in their stomachs which was beyond what they could explain. McGwaine would strap a gun to his hip and fill his pockets with all kinds of extra ammunition. Arthur held the sword Excalibur in his hand, the weapon that somehow felt as if it was made for him. Merlin concentrated on focusing all the energy he could to protect them. In a few moments, their lives would depend on it. He looked to Arthur who suggested that they should all stay close, but with some space between them so they could better check the area and not suffer any surprise attacks.

But of course it didn't take Merlin long to stray from the path Arthur set. In the darkness it was easy for him to slip away unseen to meet a friend he had spotted in the distance, waiting for him near the old stables.

"Mr Meyers," Merlin said and the old man in front of breathed a little easier.

"I'm am most happy to see you," he said in between catching his breath. "I have to warn you... As you know, Morgana once promised you she would take her vengeance. I believe she is doing that as we speak."

Merlin nodded. "I believe you."

Meyers looked over his shoulder. "There's more," he continued and reached into his pocket for something. He then looked Merlin in the eyes. "Before you leave, I would like you to have this. I bought it at an antique auction years ago, but it belongs to you." What Meyers talked about was a shining piece of medallion in his hand. It was the mark of Emrys sure enough, but it also held inscription of a very old spell. A spell that could trap a soul within the medallion itself.

Merlin reached for the medallion and thanked the old man. "I have to thank you, Meyers. I was not sure I would ever see that again," he said. And the timing could not have been more perfect.

Meyers made sure the medallion was safe in the palm of Merlin's hand before he let go. "For Albion," he said. "Beware that the two witches are more powerful together than what is good. I believe they will be a match even for you. To win, Arthur must find his true strength and believe in it. He is the one who can win this battle. Good luck - Emrys."

Merlin smiled sadly as Meyers quoted the legends as they had originally been written in the Celtic myths and hoped that what they had now would be enough to stop this madness. Especially since Merlin was quite sure Morgana was not the only enemy he was facing at the Round Table this night. He approached slowly because he could no longer spot his friends. Running slightly, he reached La Mesa Rodunda. He remembered finding Arthur here, in the middle of the round field, no more than a few months earlier. He remembered how he had felt there was something special about this place and how he now knew that there was. Merlin knew that this was more than just ruins of the old castle Carleon. In fact, that was a wrong translation of the old language. In fact, what most historians thought meant 'Carleon' actually meant 'Camelot'. All the hairs on Merlin's arms rose up. If only Arthur knew all of this...

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