Chapter 1.14: The Call

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Chapter fourteen: The Call

While they watched Elly leave, Merlin turned to Arthur. "What about her brother? What's going to happen to him now?"

"Stuart has been taken to a place where they can help him. Apparently he was mumbling all sorts of things, he even talked about magic..." Arthur answered before meeting Merlin's gaze.

Merlin raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Arthur made sure to seem uncaring about his cousin. "Yes, well hopefully he will one day understand the consequences of his choices."

"So you're not going to see him?" Merlin dared to ask.

It didn't seem to offend Arthur in any way. "I think it's better to make a, shall we say, clean cut?" he answered and Merlin gave a nod. "And by the way..." he gave a smile now. "There is something I've been meaning to ask you."

Merlin's eyebrows shot up. "Really?" he said, unsure.

The prince put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Merlin, it isn't going to hurt. I'm offering you an opportunity."

Now Merlin was really sceptical.

Arthur was clearly amused. "I want you to be my personal assistant."

Merlin's eyes rolled out of their sockets and his jaw dropped to the ground. "What?"

"I've spoken to my advisers about it and they agree. You have a hidden talent for writing, I'm told, which you will be utilizing when helping me writing my speeches. That's everything from official addresses to preparing for certain events and so on. It's a full time position and you will be stuck with me, of course."

Merlin crossed his arms. "Will I also have to clean your shirts or do your laundry? I might stretch to get you coffee, but I'm not cleaning your room."

Arthur laughed loudly. "Oh don't worry, I have people for that," he promised. "You'll be a slightly different kind of slave with access to almost the entire palace."

This earned him a long and loud laugh from Merlin.

"I expect your answer tomorrow night at latest. I'm afraid a day is all I can give you," Arthur continued.

Merlin nodded. "Understood, your highness. And thank you." In his hand Merlin held a small piece of paper with scribbles in a language that most people could not understand. And Arthur was handing him the key...

"So I will see you tomorrow evening?" Arthur said and reached for Merlin's hand to shake.

"You will," Merlin promised and took it. "And I will give my answer."

Merlin was serious about those words. He thought it over the entire evening and even discussed it with Gaius who was overly excited to hear of the job offer. The old man told Merlin to accept and not even doubt it. Merlin himself agreed that it was a good job and that it would be a great opportunity - but not just for the reasons Mr Gaius mentioned. The distinct feeling that nothing was over yet had disappeared. So Merlin put out his finest suit and readied it for the following evening. With unfortunate events that had taken place within the royal family, no expected much communication or official statements. Arthur had already issued a statement on his father's condition as an explanation as to why he was taking over his duties - for now at least. Only one small bit informed that Stuart was no longer acting as part of the royal family and had been dismissed of all duties. This was what the press wrote about and published along with photos of Arthur attending a variety of events - business as usual. His popularity was increasing and the sympathies for his father were rolling in. Off the record it was almost unbearable to watch someone wither away like that and feeling like there was not a single person in the world to understand. That is why it took immense proportions of persuasion to get the prince to go ahead with his annual birthday party. But Arthur did it by the request of his father.

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