Chapter 5

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Elena -

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Elena -

I woke up thinking about that dream I just had. 

Me still weirded out I walked downstairs and see Bonnie "Why are you here" I asked because Bonnie doesn't usually stay over at the Salvatores unless theirs a problem.

"I'm here to do a spell to see what is going on with you and Klaus" she didn't know wait did anyone know? "That's not necessary" I replied.

"How isn't it" "Elena what did you do" Caroline questioned "Nothing. It's just that I'm a werewolf and he is a werewolf" "Elena where are you going with this" Care sated "Elijah said that it's possible that me and Klaus are ... mates" "MATES" Damon said walking in the room.

"Yeah but you know Klaus isn't that bad I've seen though his mind and all I see is pain and fear, the fear of being utterly and truly alone" "So now we can finally defeat him with you we can see his weakness" Damon explained.

"No I'm not doing that I will not hurt him" What am I saying? Klaus is my moral enemy and I am protecting him.

"Did he compel you?" Damon asked "No he didn't he can't compel me even if he is an original I'm the original tribird" "Then why do you want to protect him?"  "Because believe it or not I care deeply for Klaus for some reason and I hurt him or watch him be hurt by anyone, I will also do anything to protect him even if that means I have to fight or kill you" I go to walk out and I hear care say " I'm sorry Elena but it's for the best" then everything goes black.

Klaus -
I can no longer here Elena's thoughts and that when I see everything that just happened to her, Caroline snapped her neck.

"Elijah" I scream for his name and he and Hayley appear "What is it brother?" Elijah asked "Elena is in trouble" with that me and Elijah storm out of the room and Hayley starts running until she catch's up and says "So your leaving me alone again" what is with her and wanting have me by her side at all times.

"Well love I have to go save my mate and you can't come but you do have my lovely sister Rebekah to watch out for you."

Elijah and I vamp speed to the little town of mystic falls and to the Salvatore house " where is she?" I ask angrily.

"None of your hybrid Business" Damon answers I vamp speed over to the Bennett witch and stick my hand in chest ready to pull her heart out "where is she or this little Bennett witch dies" "she's down in the cellar" Caroline replied not wanting to lose her best friend.

I let go of her heart and remove my hand and Elijah and I vamp speed to the cellar to see Elena calmly waking up. "Hello luv" I say and she looks at me with disbelief in her eyes.

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