Chapter 15-

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Time skip 7 months later
I feel like crap. Growing up I thought carrying a child would be hard which is true but a miracle hybrid baby is well the worst. Some days I go to bed then wake up to Nik throwing thing and trying to get his witch's to wake me up when I'm out for weeks. I look like a fucking whale. Yes the hormones got to me. I don't think I'm carrying just one baby but that would be impossible right? I could give brith any week now I'm around 9 months. Bonnie and Damon came back from the dead two weeks ago so now I'm hiding with my lovely and only alive doppelgänger Katherine. Klaus though it was the best option and me and her get along quite well. "Elena I'm going to get food you want anything" Kat asks "No thanks but can I call Nik" "Yes you don't have to ask" I smile at her. I call his number.
Bold- Klaus
Normal- Elena
"Hello luv"
"Hey Nik what happening in New Orleans"
"Nothing we can't handle I'm on my way to you right now"
"Yes I miss you and I'm not missing our child's brith"
"I miss you too"
"See you soon love you luv"
"Love you too Nik"
I hang up. I lay down and fall asleep to a much needed rest.

A/n- hi y'all I'm sorry for taking so long to update and sorry it's a short chapter. Thanks for 3k reads and please comment baby names and do you think there is more then one baby?

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