Part 14-

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We walk in the room "What the hell" I said as I saw Hayley trying to kill Elijah and him trying to stop her Eli would so win if Hayley wasn't pregnant "STOP" I yell they look at me. Elijah vamp speeds me to the wall "Elijah get off her" Nik says getting mad "Why did you dagger me" Elijah asks "Because that bi-" Nik looks at me "Because Hayley made me mad by lying so I did it without thinking but then Hayley said her big plan" "And what was it?" He asked "She was going to use you to ki-" tears start running down my cheeks "S-she was going to k-kill Klaus" Elijah turns to Hayley "Is that true?" He asked "Yes but it was to save me and my pack it wasn't like if Klaus died anyone would care" she answered. "Do you know what I dealt with you without killing you I saved your life but you don't care about any of that besides you and your pack. I killed people who I trust and loved for you but you still don't care, you don't care about me, Klaus, my kid, Elijah or even your own child or pack. Because your so self centred to think about that other people care about more then you like Elijah, he cares about Klaus though everything but you don't know the real Klaus only story's. You still don't care so stay or leave I don't care, I've just have have enough" I walk up the stairs.

Elena walked out of the room "Elijah do something about this wolf before I kill her for hurting my mate" I walk after her. "Luv look at me" she turns and looks at me "I know your mad and upset but you don't have to always stick up for me" "I will continue to look out for you and stick up for you because I love you and Hayley had not right to say those things because I know it hurt you. Your also trying to change for me but I won't stand around and watch people bring you down just because you want to be good your Klaus Mikaelson the original hybrid I don't want you to change everything about you I still want you to be you" she has tears running down her cheeks "Elena Gilbert what I do to deserve you" "You were just being you and my mate" "I love you" "I love you too" she kisses me. "What can I do for you brother" "I got Hayley to leave Niklaus because it's family above all" "Thank you Elijah" Elena says "Yes brother thank you" "Did the Klaus Mikaelson just say thank you" Elena says smiling, how I love that smile "Yes I did" I smile back.

A/n- sorry y'all for the wait and I hope you in joy this chapter.

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