Chapter 7

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Elena -
I was sitting on my thinking rock, I looked up to the sky and just stared at the clouds. I felt sad I lost my only friends to what Klaus I can't believe this his family hates me. Me and jer killed kol, I literally stabbed Rebekah in the back but when I had me humanity off we were some what friends, Elijah betrayed me but it was for his family. We shouldn't of killed kol because he told the truth about Silas he could of helped us. So I think I'm going to go back to New Orleans with Klaus so we can figure out the hole mate thing and it isn't like I have anyone in mystic falls anymore.

Klaus -
I go to find Elena because I'm worried she has been gone for hours and she just lost the most important people in her life. "Hello" I say at the rock Elena was at the last time I was here "Hi" she said in a clam voice. We locked eyes and she walked up to me and said "I was thinking and do think I could go back to New Orleans-"Yes" I said cutting her off "I didn't finish" "So, yes you can come back to New Orleans with me" "How did- never mind" she said smiling at me I smiled back.

Elena -
I smile at Klaus and we get closer and out of no where I kissed him on the lips he kissed back I pull back "Sorry" I say "It's ok" he replies I vamp speed back to the Salvatore house and go in my room and quickly pack my stuff up and walk down stairs with everything. Stefan noticed me and then Damon looked at me "Where are you going" he asked " New Orleans" "What, why are you going there" care asked "I'm going there with Klaus" "WHAT" Damon yelled at me "But why with him you and him are nothing" Caroline said jealous "He is my mate" "SO THERE IS NOTHING ELSE" Damon yelled at me "Yes there is I have this feeling around him" "Elena are you serious it's just the bond" Caroline sated angrily "We kissed" I replied "YOU DID WHAT" Damon yelled again "Damon clam down" Stefan said "I'm leaving" I said carrying my stuff out of the house and to meet Klaus. Damon then came out off the house and started fighting Klaus Damon had Klaus on the ground and held the white Oak stake ready to stab Him in the heart. I then throw Damon into the side of the house with my magic, Bonnie came out of the house chanting and then I some how throw a fire ball at her. What is this type of magic because it's not like Bonnies because I didn't have to chant then Klaus and I grabbed my stuff and vamp speeded to New Orleans to meet Elijah.

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