Chapter 12

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Elena -
When that sentence comes out tears run down my cheeks. "Klaus?" I ask him "Yes luv" he answered "I-I..." I feel like I can't speck. I can't be a mother I haven't had good parent role model's and it's dangerous. "Luv are you ok" Klaus asked "I can't do this" I run out "ELENA STOP" Klaus yelled to me tears continue to fall down my face as I stop "W-what" I said still crying. He came up to me and hugged me as tears fell from his eyes as well "I can't be a mother I-I'm not fit to be a mother" I say "Elena Gilbert you changed me and no matter what you are loved. You are my mate, my best friend and I no that your parents died, then you found your brith parents and they also died but my parents are dead too. I'm scared as hell too because I don't want to be my father but I believe you will be a great mother because your a great person." I smile at him though my tears "Niklaus Mikaelson you are better then you believe you are not your father and you will never will be. You are your own person and I believe you too will be a great father no matter what." He smiles at me I kiss him then we walk back into the house. "Elijah it's your ok I don't know how but when I died the witch's said that Klaus can only have one person who carry's his kids and when he met his mate the baby died and the same night we slept together so they said we are mates. Us as mates can have children, you are my child's father not Klaus" little did Hayley and Elijah know but me and Klaus heard the whole thing. "So Hayley you didn't think to tell Nik that you slept with his brother and your not carrying his child but his brother and your acting like it's Nik's child" I said mad as hell. "How do you know that?" Hayley asked "Well there is this call hearing when you walk into a room" I replied sarcastically "Well you are wrong this is Klaus child" Hayley replied. This woman is something lying right to mine and Nik's face I was about to yell at her when Nik vamp speeded her against a walk choking her "Tell me the truth" he said "I did" she said okay I had enough with her so I walked up to her and looked at her in the eyes "Nik ask her again" "Why" "Just ask her again" "Fine, Hayley is the child your carrying mine" "Yes" she replied "She is lying, her pupil's got smaller" "How do you know that?" She asks me "Care told me about it a few years ago" I replied "Why should I not kill you" Klaus asks her "Because I'm your brother's mate" she answered. He let's her go "Come on" he says to me "Where are we going" "We are leaving" "Niklaus wait" Elijah says "I'm sorry" "Like hell you are" I replied to him as I grabbed the dagger out of Nik's back pocket and stab him in the heart.

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