chapter 8 -

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Elena -
We arrive in New Orleans to meet up with Elijah. I see a bar and go to walk in and Klaus vamp speeds in front of me and says "Be careful my friend Marcel do not belive him or trust him but the bartender Cami she is a good person so be nice" "Ok, got it Cami good, Marcel bad now can I go into the bar father" "Yes and never call me that again" "Ok, Niklaus" I vamp over to the door before he could get mad at me and walk in. Klaus walks in behind me, I walk to the bar and sit on a bar stool "Hi, can I get you anything" a blonde lady says "You must be Cami and yes can I have a coke, a couple shots and a glass of burbon" "How do you know my name" "Klaus told me" "You know Klaus" "Yes I do we have history" "So, your the pregnant wolf Hayley" "Nope I'm Elena a.k.a the doppleganger, also the reason Klaus is a hybrid" "Your a vampire" "Nope, the original tribrid but keep that just between us" "Tribrid?" "Yup vampire,warewolf and witch. Now about those drinks" " Oh yeah, I'll be back" Klaus comes and sits beside me "Great first impression" he says "Yeah, well I'm sorry but you didn't tell me she likes you" "How do you know that" "We're mates remember" "Yeah and you shouldn't say that in a bar full of supernaturals who don't have a liking of me" "Well I don't care because they can't hurt me or you because of the bond it's a protection spell by our family members they would hate if the two most powerful beings died and then it would be like the hunters curse" "How do you know that?" "Well your mother likes to come visit me often and have a chat about the mate thing" "So you have been talking to her how?" "She comes in my dreams" Klaus just looks at me for a second and smiles at me says "Well I guess it's time you meet Marcel" "What" he pulls me up and over to some guy I'm guessing is marcel "Hi" I say "Hello and who may you be I'm marcel" "Well not a blood bag, I'm Elena" "So your the ex doppelgänger blood bag" "Yeah a lot of people want my blood or to kill me. Sometimes it's both" Klaus then looks at me and says to marcel "If you even think about laying a hand or her I'm going to kill you and everyone you ever met" "So why are you very protective over the doppelgänger" "That is none of your business" I say and then we walk out of the bar and go further in the quarter.

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