Part 17

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You know that one part in your life when you think everything is perfect that was me when the triplets were born but everything can't always be perfect can it. It's been two months since the triplets were born and everything has been great. I hear a knock on the door and run down and answer it I see the people I would never expected "Jer how are you here" "Bonnie and the gang brought me back" he answered I look and see them all there "Well in that case what do you want" "Elena this is crazy your living with Katherine" Caroline says "Yes I am because she is helping me and she's my friend" "Lena who's at the door" Katherine said walk beside me and passing Henrik to me "Hello little one" I say smiling he smirks "Your just like your father aren't you" "Elena who's baby is that" Bonnie asks "Mine" I replied "How" Damon asks "The mate bond created a loop hole" "I'm a uncle" Jer asks "Yes, you are" "Who's the father" he asks "Klaus Mikaelson" "Lena if you love him after everything he has done to you then you have my blessing" everyone looks shocked. I smile "Thanks Jeremy" "Elena come home this isn't you, t-this isn't your life it's a fantasy" Caroline says "Care you can't change her she changed and changed Katherine and Klaus. She's special and happy if she doesn't want to go then let her. Elena Gilbert you have been though so much and I'm happy you are happy. I'm happy that you were my crazy amazing love and I wish you the best" Stefan says "Stefan Salvatore you continue to surprise me and I'm glad that you came into my life because if you didn't I would have never became who I am today. I hope that you one day find your soulmate which I'm pretty sure is Rebekah by the way and thank you" I pass Kat Henrik and hug him he hugs back. I walk back "Umm Jeremy Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore would you like to come in" they walk in and I close the door "Niklaus Mikaelson we have old friends who are here" I yell and here him vampire speed down with Hope and Faith.

A/n- thanks for 100 votes and sorry I didn't update in awhile. This story is sadly almost done only a couple chapters left and I have a question sequel when the triplets are older???

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