Chapter 9

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Elena -
We are walking in the quarter to Klaus's house. When we get there Elijah comes down the stairs and hugs me I'm very confused but I hug him back. That's when Tyler's wolf friend came down the stairs. Klaus told me how she is pregnant with he's child.


Elena -
Klaus and me are walking down the street. "Luv, do you remember Hayley" I thought for a minute "Yes, Tyler's wolf friend right" "Yes, so Hayley is living with us because she is- "Pregnant with you child" I say cutting him off "Yes but by the time it's here you will be mine so your it's step mother" "No that isn't going to happen and I will be it's lovely aunt" Klaus just smirked.

Flashback over

Elena -
Hayley comes down the stairs and just looks at me. "Why is she here" Hayley asked rudely "I'm Klaus's mate and because of that I lost all of my friends and my family is dead which is partly his fault for killing Jena, Katherine's for killing Jeremy, mine for my parents, John because Klaus killed me and it's both of our faults and lastly Isabel because Klaus compelled her to kill her self. So he is sadly all I have left that's why I'm here." All three of them just looked at me in shock as I walk out to the woods. "Luv, wait" "What Klaus" "I'm sorry that I killed you and Jena-" I cut him off by kissing him. Why am I falling for Klaus Mikaelson why me? We pull apart "I forgive you, you changed and you weren't always like that you are just misunderstood you do everything for a reason and that's why I'm falling for you not because of the mate thing because I see the good and light underneath all of that darkness".

Klaus -
Elena sees the good in me of course she does she's Elena Gilbert she sees the good in everyone. I look at her in the eyes and respond by kissing her. She pulls away and looks up at me and then vamp speeds us up stairs and things go a little farther.

Sorry that it's so short the next chapter will be longer and thanks for reading.

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