Part 16

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I got to the house to see Elena past out on the couch. I picked her up and walked up stairs and put her down under the blankets "Hey" she says tried "Hello luv get some sleep okay" she nods. I lay down beside her and fall asleep.

I open my eyes and see Nik sleeping and then I feel something wet. Did I pee myself.... Wait that was my water my water broke "Nik get up" "What is it Luv" "My water broke go get Katherine" he vamp speeds her in "Hey are you ready to give brith" I nod.
13 hours later
"Elena one more push" I push "It's a girl-" "Kat what is it" "Elena push" she says as she passes my baby to Klaus I scream and push again and again. "Congratulations on triplets Elena" I pass out.
1 hour later
I wake up and see Klaus and my beautiful children "Hey" I say "Hello luv are you ready to name them" I nod he passed me baby 1 who was a girl "Hello Faith Jenna Mikaelson" I hold her and she smiles at me she's beautiful "Elena are you ready for baby 2" Kat asks, I nod she takes faith and Klaus passed me baby girl 2 "Hi there Hope Hayley Rebekah Mikaelson" "Elena are you sure you want to name her that" "Yes me and Hayley are family and I feel like I should do that for her" I smiled as a tear came down my cheek. Hope put her hand on my cheek and smiled getting rid of the tear. Kat then toke hope and then Nik pass me my last child it was a boy "Hi little one, Henrik Kol Mikaelson" he smirked at me. He is already a lot like his father.

A/n- the baby's were born and I had to add Hope but I thought it would be wrong if I didn't add Hayley as part of the name and also thank you to slyslytherin97 for the name ideas and I give them some credit for the names.

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