5. The Warmth of Spring

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"Spring is here and so are bees

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"Spring is here and so are bees."

It was yet for the sun to rise, hues of red and orange tainted the sky with the cool spring winds swaying blades of grass along with them. The saffron was soon accompanied by the rising sun, whose arrival was announced by the chirping of birds. If it would have been any other day, the palace would have been relatively silent during this time. But today, this was not the case as the conviviality present was unique, it was the day of festivity; the day when bliss was by accompanied a list of never-ending work.

The corridors were ringing with footsteps and everyone was in rush to complete their assigned errands. I strolled in the hallways directing the maids in perfecting the jobs. Every corner of the palace was getting decorated with freshly picked flowers, strings of glass and beads while the sides of the alley were coloured with exquisite designs of rangolis.

The work of servants was remarkable and the glee was flowing in the air where the smile of one person seem to intoxicate the other; smiles that filled them with festive energy. The whole morning passed in a wink with me surveying hallways and occasional meetings with guests. Noon soon arrived and my tired body forced me to take some time off. I was lazing on the swing of my balcony yet again, reading scrolls and occasionally helping maids in small selections regarding decorations as most of the things were already done.

The sun shone brightly above my head, as bright as spring sun could be, but surrounded by hills, Gandhar never faced extreme heat and slow fanning was enough to feel refreshed.

"Rajkumari!" One of the maids came running with two sets of garlands in her hand.

"Sorry to disturb you Rajkumari but could you please tell me what flowers should we hang at the entrance?" She inquired amidst her sporadic breathing, her hands were shivering while presenting the garlands of marigold and roses; perhaps she was tired, sweat on her face was evident under the sun. I focused back on the garlands in her hand, both held their unique beauty but roses were not apt for the situation.

"Use marigold" A husky manly voice interrupted me when I was about to speak. My brother entered the room, his face donned Cheshire grin as if he was planning something yet again, this look, I am quite used to since childhood. Trying not to get in a mess along with him I kept mum and continued reading, talking to him meant inviting trouble. Meanwhile, the maid scurried back to her work trying not to disturb us.

"What is my dearest sister doing all alone?" He probed and almost slumped on the settee nearest to me.

"Nothing, just reading some scripts." I replied without looking at him. A moment of silence prevailed then Bhrata Shakuni chuckled.

"Should I be hurt with such cold welcome? Sister, you truly wound me." He said dramatically making me roll my eyes and sink deeper into the settee, he was rubbing something in his palm while his eyes wandered around my room. Adjusting the cushions, I sat straighter and signalled the maids to bring snacks.

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