6. Haunting Shadows

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The goblets clanked with one another overflowing with wine created their own note in the symphony of music. The tapping of feet on marbled floor while fabricating dance steps that followed melodies of instruments accompanied by chatters of people created another harmony that oddly felt pleasing. Decked in most luxurious of clothes embroidered by threads of gold and silver shimmering on soft muslins paired with shawls of Pashmina or extremely rare materials of Muga Silk- belonging to eastern parts of aryavart- to ward off cold lingering in the air after a long period of winter, everyone was crowing their status shrouded by deceptive words of sweetness and care for one another. The men involved themselves with politics while women through their gossips tried to make things lucrative for their clan leaking out some information that could be called forbidden whispered from one lips to ears of another.

Amongst all this, I was yet again sitting next to my mother donning a perfect upturned smile familiarizing myself with wives and daughters of high class officials, some relatives and few unacquainted scholars. We all were similar yet different in our own ways balancing expectations thrusted upon to us and our sanity. Judging and weighing our every step, we shroud ourselves in self painted beguiling charade only to find solace behind closed doors, sans any escort.

"Pranipat Rajkumari." A dainty figure approached me. Unlike others her face was pristine. While everyone had rouge covered cheeks, her's had healthy natural blush on them complementing her soft nature. The only makeup she had on was a thin lining of Kajal tracing her almond shaped watery eyes making her look like an innocent fairy who descended upon this mortal realm arousing men's heart with desire to protect her from any hardship. Her steps were light and the faint jingle of her anklets were only indication of her approaching steps towards me.

"Pranipat Nityasha." I answered her soft tone of acknowledgement with mine. "It has been long since someone from prime minister's residence attended any function." I said leaning slightly on the arm rest making myself bit comfortable amongst the crowd.

"Indeed. It has been long since we got involved with any celebrations but as you know returning of Kumar Shakuni is not yet another mundane event. We had to come." She smiled softly taking a seat next to me with chair aligned a bit back to mine.

"Of course I know that Nityasha but the events were quite boring without you and Nurvi accompanying me." I half complained letting down the wall of propriety between us.

"Pardon me Rajkumari we have wronged you. I should have attended those events. Forgive me please." The girl exasperatedly pleaded for forgiveness while her eyes dilated in fear misjudging my trial of warming up things as scorn.

"Nityasha relax." I held her hand reassuringly. "I was joking. I know Nurvi and you have other engagements to deal with speaking of which where is Nurvi?" I tried to change the topic coaxing the girl out from her fear.

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