14. A Zephyr of Solace

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"I stumbled into darkness

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"I stumbled into darkness."

I washed my hand in the warm bowl of water to rinse off oil sticking on my fingers while my maids cleaned up the cutlery I ate in. The table was wiped and the maids were busy warming the blankets enough to pass the night in the chill inducing nights of the hilly area. Finally the arrangements were done and I strolled towards the bed. Seeing me ready to sleep Jasvi started blowing off the earthen lamps, slowly the tent started to get shrouded in a thick fleece darkness.

"Help" I heard a whisper from the dark corners. My hands started shivering and lips wobbled to vocalize something, anything but yet again my words failed me. I moved steps back from the direction subsequently stumbling on the bed. My fall brought the attention of all the maids in the room back to me and they rushed to be on my side.

"Rajkumari!" They called out with widened eyes and gaped mouth while surveying any wounds that might have occurred. I stayed there, staring at the corner, waiting for the figure lurking those shadows to come out but nothing as such happened. Sugdha handed me a glass of water but I was unable to have a steady hold on it, my hands were stiff with tremors present in them but somehow I gulped down the water. The cool liquid slithered down my throat, moistening the parched cavity, at least enough for me to let out a shaky breath.

"Are you alright?" Sugdha crooned while rubbing onto my back. "What happened? How did you fall?" She questioned my peculiar reactions. I stayed silent for a while and kept my eyes fixated at the corner.

"Rajkumari." She nudged me trying to get my attention.

"Nothing." I sighed, "It is just that I stumbled into darkness." I muttered.

There was a minute quirk in her eyebrows while she stared at me, obviously not satisfied with my answer but nonetheless didn't inquire further. I sat straighter on the bed trying to don a facade of strength but even I knew I was failing miserably at it.

"Rajkumari must be spooked on losing her balance." Jasvi suggested to Sugdha on noticing my tremulous breathing and quavery voice that slipped through my answer.

"Yes, this might be the case." Sugdha mused, biting her lips she ushered out the rest of the maids who were curiously glancing at my stature. "Jasvi, help me blow off the remaining lamps." She requested the girl on my other side.

Before they could comply with their words the fear I was avoiding resurfaced and I almost screamed, "Stop!"

Though they did as commanded, the confusion was clearly visible on their faces that were etched to be stated but my mind was not ready to part with this secret that they carried, hence I left their wordless questions unanswered and dismissed them with a wave of my hand. The silence returned, engulfing the entire room though the merry singing of soldiers and servants outside the tent contested it with equal vigour. I trotted in the direction of a few scant providers of light and kneeled near the warm solace provided by them and stayed there until my eyes started drooping.

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