23. Shadowed Sun

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"Justice is served and the verdict is rejigged

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"Justice is served and the verdict is rejigged."

The entire next day passed with me flipping through the pages of various books. Lost in the words of Shastra, I hardly registered the time passing. The entire game was set and me witnessing the last move was nothing of importance.

The cool zephyr that held the chills of winters now had started to get warmer. Getting influenced by the heat of the summer, perhaps, the mellowness was soon getting lost. The weather was just optimum to make someone sluggish, even the birds of the cage were not untouched by the streak and swung on the perch where comfort was easier to be found.

The silence of my room held chaos, one that was a harbinger of coming peace. I stretched my arms languidly and yawned. Wrapping the dishevelled blanket around myself, I turned yet another page when the doors of my room parted. It was unexpected. I turned around to face the visitor who dared to enter the chamber before today's court; there stood my brother.

His tresses were in a disarray and the bags beneath his eyes relayed the story of the possible overworking inflicted on him. Should be my gaze that was too fixated on his hair that he ran his finger through them.

"You shouldn't be here brother." I informed him before returning my gaze to the folded parchment.

"Neither should be you." He reciprocated.

"I am locked here."

"I know but I may or may not have got the permission to get you to the court." He walked closer to the bed I was lying on.

"What is there for me to see?" I ignored his words but my fingers kept on running at the crease on the paper.

"You deserve to be there. You were involved with it. You cried for it and this case involves tears from your eyes. So-" He justified the requirement but I cut him off in the middle.

"Eyes," I whispered "You know something brother? When Shreeman Aniishwara first saw them he described it as some gem. He praised my eyes but failed to notice despondency within them."

"And this is why-" he started yet again but was stopped by me.

"I should know the verdict and proceedings?" I tilted my head and gave him a side glance. "There are many things I should know brother. Like why does a girl with moon insignia keep on following me?"

"Wh-What do you mean?" He stuttered, standing at his spot, stupefied.

"I tried to ignore it you know." I faced the man ahead of me, a man who was my brother but also a stranger. "Of all my brothers, you have a crescent moon insignia. Am I correct brother? Care to explain that."

I arranged my outfit while waiting for an answer but none came, making me a little disappointed.

"You know, initially I tried to avoid thinking about it but as soon as the incident started and the visits of the girl got frequent, it got tougher to ignore." I fiddled with the necklace that was out of place and muttered. "Sure it was a clever choice to select someone that is most innocuous of all, easily blendable but a little girl? Was it worth it brother?"

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