19. Familiars and Strangers

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"The weight of the crown is heavier than one visible to distant eyes

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"The weight of the crown is heavier than one visible to distant eyes."

Much like the chaos outside, my mind too was running amok, trying to grasp on various details, hints that I was trying to evade as they did nothing but inflict me further with pain and questions that I was not ready to face.

I reached the entrance of the court, decked in my usual grand attire, with fine clothes and even finer jewellery. The gems embedded in them shimmered every time they were grazed by the soft sunlight and the bells of my anklet ring at my steps. The mirrors on the corridor reflected my face, a face that had puffy eyes and chapped lips concealed adequately with meticulous make-up.

I stood there, before the closed door as if readying myself for the events that might initiate within these doors or perhaps was I trying to evade the inevitable? I had no idea, except everything seemed like a mess.

In the garden within the shade of a mango tree, I was sitting, weaving a crown of flowers for my doll when I heard faint chimes of anklet and a familiar giggle.

With pursed lips, I kept my silence trying to stay oblivious to this welcome intruder of my space.

"Rajkumari." The bangle laden wrists jolted me as if trying to scare me but alas, her anklet betrayed her beforehand and the scare she wanted from me was left as an unattained dream.

"Done with your antics?" I stuck my tongue out at her and giggled at my victory. She pouted but slumped next to me, helping me out with my little work of making garland.

"What are you making these garlands for Rajkumari?" The inquisitive eyes of Nurvi spoke more than her words.

"Just." I shrugged her questions because truth to be told, I had been doing this in those spare times of solidarity that was previously occupied with my entourage of tailing after my brother.

"They look beautiful." She said in awe. Though her question was left unanswered, she didn't probe further. Like any child getting entranced by a possible toy, her hands started to seek a way to my mundane creations.

"They look beautiful." A crisp voice brought me back from my house of memories. Though unfamiliar, they had a gravity to them and I turned around to face it. A woman, dressed in a simple yet exquisite set of clothes was standing there. She had a maid alongside her but it looked more like a support for her frail body.

"Pardon," I questioned this stranger. Clearly, not aware of her identity I tried to keep on my facade.

"The palace." She breathed out and walked closer to me, "It is beautiful." She smiled amicably.

"Is it?" I questioned back and started the so-called beauty that now seemed way too vilified to me. The gold now felt blood covered and the grandiose, an enigmatic hoax.

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