12. Pompous Escape

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"Veiled exile or pompous escape?"

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"Veiled exile or pompous escape?"

The breeze gently shook the mango bough giving the glance of the saffron kissed sun of last Nadika of Ahi muhurat. The servant pedantically arranged the luggage at the entrance of the palace where the horses attached to the chariots neighed. The palanquin was kept shortly away with palanquin bearers warming up for the industrious activity they were about to do. All this was kept at a distance from the priests who were chanting certain mantras in order to ward off any faults in the stars.

I on the other hand was looking at all this from a distance, fiddling with the silver bottle in my hand. Plated with gold on it's lid, the bottle shimmered under the sunlight. It was similar to the medicine bottle handed to me by Bhrata Shakuni but this concoction had a faint fragrance of mint indicating it's superior quality. Finally the rukus died down with all the arrangements done and servants lining up, waiting to commence the journey.

My brother and I stood beside each other, glancing at the doors of the palace occasionally. Soon our wait was over and with the starting of Mitra  muhurat, my mother came out with a bowl of sweetened curd in her palms followed by a group of maids who were carrying covered plates. What left me staggered was another silhouette that was accompanying my mother, the figure of Nityasha. Like always her face was pristine and eyes watery, so clear that it reflects the world she sees. Few unrestrained locks on getting entrapped under the nexus of breeze brushed against her cheek with every step she took.

"Pranipat." She greeted her with her usual soft and almost muffled voice. Me and my brother nodded in acknowledgement and muttered our own greetings to our mother.

"May you be well." She answered and fed both of us two spoonfuls of curd, each.

"Mother, this…" Bhrata Shakuni trailed after casting a quick glance at the series of trays and presence of Nityasha which was enough for the poor girl to fidget on her spot.

"No need to be surprised." My mother said while handing the bowl down to the nearest maid. "Like I informed you earlier, you would be accompanied by a few of my trusted people. Initially I invited both Nurvi and Nityasha as both of them won't be influenced by your sweet twisted mouth but…" she sighed before continuing, "It seems God had other plans and Nurvi couldn't join you people . Hence only Nityasha would be by your side. As for these trays, they have things that are to be donated to the temple." She pursed her lips for a moment and nudged Nityasha to move forward. All this while when my mother was explaining my brother had given Nityasha quick glances as if judging her for every movement she made.

"Your Highness, allow me to take my leave." Nityasha cleared her throat and on the nod from my mother she left for her sedan. My brother for a while stared at the back before returned his focus back to mother

"Mother, you said the person would not be afraid of me. Should I be offended?" The way my brother's eyes were twitching it felt like he was mustering all his strength and bearing to not give a stink eye. The tone he spoke all this almost portrayed, he felt scandalized which was comical in its own aspect. Though I was on the verge of laughter but on thinking about Nityasha who is being so thoroughly scrutinized I felt nothing but pity for her.

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