3. Meeting the Illusionist

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"Your fears are an illusion

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"Your fears are an illusion."

Faint tinkles rang the torchlit alleys, taking small footsteps I strolled into the familiar hallway. My handmaidens followed me a few steps back carrying several plates full of different sweets and other dishes. Like always they were giggling and laughing at some inside jokes or discussing the latest gossip of the town.

"Did you know an ambassador of Hastinapur too would be there at the function of our Rajkumar's return?" Jasvi, one of my newest recruits gossiped. My ears shot open and I stiffened. Casting a sharp look at Sugdha I signaled her to stop that girl. Hastinapur is a huge kingdom and any rumor about it could cost Gandhar dearly. Getting my signal Sugdha nodded and pinched the girl.

"Talking out of the station is not a good sign for a good handmaiden." Sugdha disciplined the girl. Nobody stopped her because this is how things worked here, seniors disciplining the juniors. Though I hate such rigidity this is how things work, making amends with it is all anyone could do. Trying to distract myself I shifted my focus to my surroundings.

The alley of a palace could be considered dark. Hundreds, even thousands of years of history are locked in them. The paintings, the sculptures all telling their own story, their own secrets, and their own bloodshed. Every nook and cranny begs the spectators to unfold their story but all an inexperienced eye could see is the glamour and comfort it provides. The palace of Gandhar is one of the oldest structures, passed down to us by our ancestors. Sure we are a small country but the historical palace is nowhere less extravagant than any other palace out there in Aryavart.

Every corridor here is linked with one another creating a web, asking people to get lost in its grandeur. For newcomers, this place could be confusing but for a person like me who has spent my whole childhood here, the map seems to be imprinted on my mind. I have played in this palace, I could even count the number of steps it would take to reach a certain place and how many turns would I have to take to in the whole journey. Smiling I reached out for the pearl necklace dangling on my neck and a distant memory started in front of my eyes.

I ran in the corridors, bumping and giggling as my brother chased after me.

"Gandhari stop! Give that scroll back to me." Bhrata Shakuni shouted while chasing me but that was not enough. I sprinted even faster, chuckling and letting the wind caress my cheeks. My dupatta was fluttering in the air and thankfully it didn't get stuck anywhere till now.

"Catch me if you can Bharta." I raised the scroll as if mocking him to reach out for it while running as fast as I could. There were various murmurs and giggling, dasis and other women of the palace cast an amused look at us while still completing the tasks given to them. All of them rejoiced in our childish play. Some were scowling at me for my improper behavior but I could care less. My small legs were nothing compared to my brother's thus as soon as I reached the garden bhrata Shakuni caught me and I tumbled down. Bursting into a fit of laughter we laid on the lush green grasses.

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