4. Broken Thorns

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"Your weaknesses are your thorns

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"Your weaknesses are your thorns."

I sat on the couch, facing the balcony. The cool winds played with my locks and touched my face tenderly like a mother touching her child's visage. The sweet aroma of ratranis mixed in the air filled my nostrils and gave abounding peace to my mind. The dribbles in the water of the artificial pond created a fascinating musical piece and the fireflies surrounding it gave off a feeling that they were dancing to the beats of the melody. The swing attached to the mango tree next to the fountain moved gently and if I didn't know better I would have mistaken the fireflies for the nymphs dancing and playing in my garden while basking in the calmness of the full moon. A smile graced my lips at the whole scene and I subconsciously reached out for my necklace but nothing was to be found. I let out a sad smile remembering the events of today.

"Sorry to disturb you Rajkumar and Rajkumari but Queen Sudharma is demanding the audience of Rajkumar." A guard whom I recognize as the one who let us enter the chamber a few moments ago said standing behind the curtains hanging on the main entrance.

My brother sighed at the news, after thinking for a moment he just nodded and raised his hands to dismiss the guard. "I think our little chit-chat is over for now but why don't you accompany me?" Bhrata extended his hand. I looked at his face, a small smile graced his face. His gentle eyes were asking for permission and scrutinizing my reaction at the same time.

"If you say so bhrata." Smiling, I accepted his request and we left off to mother's chamber.

The whole journey my ears were focused on the faint footsteps, the tap of his footsteps, and the jingle of my anklets created a piece of unique music and I tried to catch up with his fast pace and long strides. We crossed alleys after alley, and took many turns to reach our destination. I had so many things to talk about, show him everything that changed in this palace like the new painting of our family and the latest sculpture that was added to my father's collection this year but nothing came out. Lost in our own thoughts we finally reached the chamber. On our arrival, we sent a dasi on the door to inform mother about our arrival. She went inside leaving me and my brother to wait outside the chamber. Meanwhile, my mind created all sorts of scenarios on why my mother called for bhrata Shakuni.

"Stop overthinking." an amused voice from my brother brought me back to the present. A small smile graced his face and he muttered something which I failed to catch upon. Before I could ask him anything the daasi came out and allowed us entry.

The pages of books fluttered under the flickering light of the lamp. Sighing, I closed the window and sat on the chair. Next to the books a dairy sat on the red silken cloth, its golden cover glistened under the faint light and the intricate design felt just right as I trailed my finger on them. A gift was sent by my brother after he got to know what happened in the chamber after he left. Opening it I stared at the small note written on the first page.

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