7. A Peculiar Advancement

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"Eyes, so enthralling that could act like Polaris or perhaps twilight for souls lost in darkness

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"Eyes, so enthralling that could act like Polaris or perhaps twilight for souls lost in darkness."

The next day the palace was comparatively calm with guests resting in their quarters in order to rejuvenate the energy lost during the festivities. Nonetheless the corridors were not noiseless as always with servants rushing to tend their master's needs. With lesser eyes scrutinizing my actions I took up the chance to stroll in the garden and appreciate the tender touch nature had to provide. As soon as I completed my morning prayer my feet carried me to the garden where a zephyr carrying the sweet smell of spring flowers tugged the bough of mango tree swaying it gently consequently making the chicks chirp whenever the nest used to mark even slightest of movement.

The chants of Mahadev were still ringing in my head and this open space, this peaceful ambience did nothing but drenching me further in the devotion of Vishveshwara, making me close my eyes trying to feel his presence in everything that surrounded me. His hymns started flowing in my conscience and for a moment I was drawing his image through the soft music of the garden but my musings were soon interrupted when something nudged my feet.

I opened my eyes with a small flutter of my eyelashes and noticed a ball lying near my feet. Just as I was about to crouch down to pick up the ball a series of jingles approached me, looking in the direction I noticed bushes quivering against the wind which were soon followed by hushed whispers.

"Who is there?" I interrogated the figures behind the bushes that flared up the whispers. After a moment or two finally the three small figures stepped ahead. Their small figures were donned in fine clothing patched with dirt at the corners while their tiny paws were a shade darker due to mud covering them and all their jewelry adorned on their wrists were mud laden outlining crescent moon engraved on their silver bracelets. They were fiddling on their spot with their head bowed as if expecting me to bellow at them for some reason and for some reason this brought a smile on my visage that I suppressed with much effort.

"You didn't answer me, who are you?" I tried to keep my tone formal but was failing miserably.

"W-We..." One of the girls tried to speak but fear took the best of her and she stuttered earning a nudge from her playmate.

"Rajkumari, your mother is waiting for you in your chamber." A maid diverted my attention from the girls, granting them a perfect chance to flee away with the ball.

"Waiting for me?" I asked while chewing my inner cheeks while tucking the dupatta that was set free due to the wind.

"Yes she asked me to fetch you as there is another guest waiting for your arrival." She informed me while keeping her head bowed.

"Another guest? In this hour?" I asked flabbergasted as not only it was peculiar for someone to visit me but their arrival at such an ungodly hour made this even more bizarre. Without wasting a moment further I strode towards my room making my way through servants and guests greeting me midway stopping to return greetings of honoured guests of the state.

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