Chapter 1

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Maia POV Present

I stood in front of my floor length mirror in a gray sports bra and light blue skinny jeans. The light scar on my chest that started just below my neck and ended just above my belly button stood out, contrasting the tan of my skin.  Little circular scars rested in multiple spots on my torso. Just below the bottom of the scar and just below my bra. They mocked me, reminding me of the reason I am different, reminding me why I had to take so many drugs and see a doctor every six months. Reminding me why my mother was dead. 

Frustrated I grabbed my light blue hoodie off my desk chair next to me and put it on. Covering the hideous reminders of my fucked up life. I picked up the med cup on my desk in my right hand and the cup of water next to it in my left hand. I tipped my head back and dumped the medication in my mouth and downed them with water. 

My life has always been like this. Wake up: take meds. Come home from school: take meds. Dinner time: take meds. Bed time: take meds. Every September and February I have an appointment with my Cardiologist. Dr. Paul Adams. He's been in charge of my care since the day I was born. 

I grab my black converse and put them on my feet and pick up my galaxy designed backpack and sling it over my back. As in accordance with my schedule I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday. I'm not really worried about it, I just know it's going to be the usual "everything looks fine, let's tweak the amount you take of this drug and you'll be on your way". I think it's a waste of time to visit every six months if they're just going to tell me the same thing every time.

I exit my room and walk into the kitchen where my dad flips a pancake on to a plate. "Hey peanut". He greets.

There is a meaning behind him calling me peanut. When I was born I was a very small baby, a premature baby to make things easier. Born at a whole 5 pounds 7 ounces and at a height of 17.7 inches I was a tiny child. The doctors told him I would gain more height as I aged and hit growth spurts, but I never did. I stopped growing and am a whole 5 feet 2 inches. So I'm his little peanut. "Morning dad".

"Did you take your meds"? He asks like he does every morning. Every morning he gets the same answer. 

"All ready in  my system". 

"Good. Prom is coming up 

Highschool hasn't really been the best for me. Not in the fact that everybody makes fun of me and I'm the school joke, I mean in the fact that nothing interesting has really happened to me in high school. Except for last year during lunch I tripped and accidentally dumped my lunch on Makenna Star, the most popular girl in school. Her dads a lawyer and can make your life a living hell. Unlike most I was smart enough and ran away before she saw my face, so no life ruined, besides what I already started life with. "Senior proms this year, you'll probably have a lot of fun at that. You and Nadia will rock the red carpet". 

"Nadia got a girlfriend". I told him. 

He frowned. "Oh, good for her. If you third wheel we'll just have to make sure you look better than both of them". 

He slid a plate over to me. A pancake with butter, syrup, and whipped cream. "Thanks". I smiled and started eating. 

Delicious and perfect as always. "So what are your plans for today"?

He shrugged and started cleaning up. "I don't know, besides going into the office nothing really. They hired a new head of advertising so I have to go show her around". 

"Oh, that sounds...". 

"Boring"? He finished. "Yeah. It should have been me who got promoted instead of hiring an outsider, but what are you gonna do. Gotta deal with the cards you were given". 

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