Chapter 25

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Maia POV

In front of me stood an older woman. She had to be Dylan's mom. I mean there's no way she isn't. He definitely got his green eyes from her, but she looked like an older more pissed off version of Callie. 

Dylan's never told me about his mother, besides the fact that she doesn't care about Callie and makes them move around alot. I don't know what I thought it would be like meeting her for the first time, but this was not it. Seeing her at his front door with a drunk Dylan who left his car at the party, and would have to get it tomorrow, was not at all what I pictured.

I thought meeting his mom would be something a little more pleasant. For example going to his house to study and seeing her there, or painting the project he made for me, taking care of his sister for him. Anything other than this.

Her eyebrows raised and arms crossed in front of her, looking in between both of us for some sort of explanation. Next to me Dylan stood up straighter and he became more stiff. He tried to pass off as not being intoxicated, but nothing he did now would fix that. If she greeted us right here at the door, she more than likely saw him walking up.

Ignoring me, she looked to Dylan. "Want to tell me why you left without telling me where you where and come back drunk"?

He turned his body away from her, and more towards me. Rolling his eyes and looking anywhere but at the people in front of him. Turning him self off from this conversation, wanting nothing to do with it. "It's not like you'd care anyway. The only thing you care about is work. Why not go back to that? You might be able to care for that correctly".

I took a step back almost slipping on the edge of the porch. This was not a conversation I needed to be in. This was between a mother and a son. "Of course I care for you, why else do you think I stayed up this late"?

My slip captured both of their attention and their gazes shifted to me. "I should probably go". I stated quietly gesturing to my car parked on the street. "I have to-".

"Nonsense". His mom cut me off. "Please come inside, so I can thank you for bringing my drunk son home".  She turned her attention back to Dylan, and if looks could kill they would both be dead.

"Oh. Okay". I replied in a whisper that no one heard. 

Dylan walked into the house bumping into the side of the opening. I followed in behind him hugging my arms to my chest trying to make my self seem smaller. I closed the door behind me, but not before taking a glace at my car and seeing to faces staring at me confused. 

The house was different than mine, besides the fact that its a two story and my house only has the one. A few boxes stood in a corner of the living room out of the way. No pictures hung on the wall or little trinkets on flat surfaces. This place didn't have the same homey feeling that my home head. Instead it felt cold and closed off like it was hiding secrets in its walls. Dylan and his mom stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Go upstairs and get in bed. We can talk about this in the morning". She lectured him. 

Even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he rolled his eyes before turning up to the stairs. "It's funny". He stated as he struggled up the stairs. "You don't care until I come home drunk".

"We will talk about this in the morning"! She yelled back to him. 

"That's what you always say". He mumbled back. 

We where left in silence except for the sounds of him tripping up the stairs and bumping into the wall. His mom stood there arms crossed and shaking her head. She was pissed. I could tell. I don't know if him drinking is her fault or his own fault or his friends, but whatever made him drink as much as he did tonight she definitely played some part in it. When his door slammed closed signaling he was in his room, she turned to me. "I'm so sorry about him. He's had a hard life". 

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