Chapter 10

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Planned for this to be the appointment chapter, but I'm behind. That fine. Next time... I think. Might be wrong. I'll have to check.

Maia's POV

The word awkward accurately describes sitting that truck, listening to Dylan's friend talk about some girl from his past. Not exactly how I expected this to start. When he told his sister and I that we could go in, we both got out as quickly as we could. I don't particularly blame her for wanting to leave that. Not that I didn't want to, it's just not a conversation I should have to listen to.

We both practically rushed out of the vehicle closing our doors as quietly as we could. I doubled back around to Callies door, just to make sure it was close. When her soft, small child hand grabbed onto my own, it surprised me. This kid doesn't even know me and she trusts me enough to hold my hand while crossing a parking lot. Kids are pretty awesome. The only problem is they are too trusting. I mean. For all she knows I could be some crazy psycho person, who's trying to get in her brother's pants. Which I'm not, but still. When I opened the door to the shop she pulled me in quicker than I would have wanted. "Woah". She tapped with her mouth open and eyes wide. 

The fact that a place I come to so often amazed a kid was nice. It warmed my heart. "Yeah. That was my thought when I first came here". 

She looked around and pointed at the artwork on the wall. Mine was the center of attention as always, just like her brother it caught her eye the most. "That one is awesome". 

I laughed and shook my head. "A simple coffee cup? You think that is amazing"?

"Yeah. It's simple, but nice". She took her gaze away from the painting locked on the glass display case. 

She let go of my hand and ran towards it. "What's in there"?

I jogged over to her. Her small child's face pressed against the display case. Eyeing up all the pastries. "Pastries. That's an eclair. It's a pastry filled with cream, topped with fudge, whipped cream, and a cherry. That's a monster cookie. Basically just a giant M&M cookie". 

"That cookie is bigger than my face". She giggled. 

I laughed and felt a smile grow on my face. "Yeah it is". 

"It all looks so yummy". 

"It all is. My personal favorite is the strawberry cheesecake slice. Fruity, sweet and way better when it's topped with chocolate". 

"I like chocolate". She told me. "It's my most favorite thing in the world". 

I smiled. This kid is amazing. "Chocolate is pretty great isn't it. It can make all your pain just disappear. Make everything better". 

She closed her eyes in concentration and thought for a moment. Her eyes wrinkled at the edge from how hard she held them shut. "Yeah". She opened her eyes and looked at me with a big smile. Her little dimples sticking out on the sides. "It really does". 

I smiled back at her. I don't really know her whole story but she's a great kid. Just like Dylan said. Energetic, carefree, loving, accepting, and just plain amazing. The complete opposite of her brother, who was secretive and mysterious, but for some reason he felt trustworthy. He was difficult to read that's for sure, but I think I want him to open up to me, not to read him. 

I turned toward the door and saw Dylan standing there. He looked a little ridiculous holding a barbie backpack, but he had a welcoming smile on his face. It looked real. His lips curled upwards and his eyes sparkling with an unreadable emotion. I felt myself smiling back at him with the same happiness that he was sharing with me. He was good to his sister that's for sure. 

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