Chapter 24

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Maia POV

If I learned anything from tonight, it's that parties aren't my thing. 

After we left the kitchen with our drinks, we pushed forward to the living room where various teens where dancing. By dancing I mean grinding on one another. The amount of people who touched my butt in that moment was more than enough for me to last a life time. 

While Holly and Nadia swayed to the music together, I stood by them awkwardly. I would rather be at home drawing a nice picture than here, so why was I? Peer pressure, and the fact I'm a push over. Not the best combination when you prefer to be by yourself. 

A body pushed behind me pushing me closer to Nadia. "Sorry". They yelled over the music. The voice sounding familiar. "Maia"?

They know me, must be a someone I know. I turn around to face a confused Dylan. Of course, we where just talking about you. Well not in this very moment but a while ago. Fun. "What are you doing here"? He inquires, crossing his arms over his chest, careful not to spill or drop his half full beer bottle. 

"Regretting my decision". I respond. 

He lets out an awkward laugh. "Yeah". 

"What are you doing here? What about your sister"? I ask him.

"Obviously I'm here to party, and my moms taking care of her, so it's fine". He shrugs nonchalantly. 

"It's bugging you to not be by your sister isn't it"? I ask taking a step closer to him. 

"Yeah, a bit but she'll be fine". He looks down at me, uncrossing his arms. 

"Dylan man! Come on. Beer pongs this way"! Someone yells. 

"Oh, right". He says to himself. 

"Beer pong"? Two voices ring out behind me. 

"Yeah. A couple guys and I are going out back to play a round of beer pong. You should join us". He offers. 

"Hell yeah". Nadia cheers. "Lets  go". 

She grabs Holly's arm and pulls her past him. 

"Don't I get a say in this"? I ask no one. 

Dylan chuckles and places a hand on my lower back pushing me to follow the girls. 

When we make it out back a few tables are set up with beer pong. At the table in the center two guys stand at one end and wave Dylan over. "This is Maia, Nadia, and Holly". He introduces pointing to each of us. "They're interested in playing. At least these two are". 

"Awesome. Dylan your on my team". He states. "Us against the ladies first"?

Dylan looks between Nadia and Holly. "That good"?

"Yeah". Holly answers. 

"Prepare to get your ass kicked". Nadia brags. 

I shake my head. These two are going to be hard to wrangle to my car, aren't they. 

They both take their places at one end of the table. Me and the other guy stand off to the side. "Travis". He offers. 

"Maia, but you knew that". 

Travis is a built man. I know that he plays for the baseball team, as the star batter and first placemen. His brown hair is slicked back with gel. His brown eyes observe me. He's sporting a black T-shirt and blue denim jacket, black pants and white converse. He looks good, not as good as Dylan looks in his green and black plaid button up, that he left un buttoned. Wait what? I did not just admit that Dylan looks good. Doesn't matter. While Travis gives off a bad boy vibe, Dylan gives off a sort of innocent or good human being vibe.  "I don't think I've ever seen you at one of these things. First party"?

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