Chapter 15

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I would just like to state that I don't want to do the whole every other chapter is a different POV, but this might be happening for a while because I want you to see the struggles they both are going through. 

Maia POV

At school the next day I decided to ignore and avoid Dylan and Nadia. Specifically Dylan. He cares about me, which is nice in a way, but something tells me he has a secret agenda behind it. He can't just be a good guy. Good guys don't exist and if they do, they're hiding something. It's best to pull away before he gets too close.

Instead of parking in the back by Dylan, I park closer to the front. He watches me confused as I drive right past him in the parking lot. The look on his face hurts me, but I push the feeling down and do what is best. I walk out of my bug going to my first class resisting the urge to turn around and look at him. It's for the best. I keep telling myself. It's best he doesn't know.

The first half of the day goes easy. I head to the art room for the lunch period knowing Dylan won't be there. He wasn't there on Thursday so he won't be there today, right?

Wrong. I was dead wrong. I walked in the classroom and the first and only person I see is Dylan. He's sitting in the seat next to where I always sit. I stop in the doorway and watch him. The blue T-shirt he's is tight on the sleeves but loose on his body. I watch his subtle muscles move as he opens his lunch box moving items around until he pulls out two sandwiches. My heart clenches at the realization that he made me lunch again. He looked up at me, a piece of hair falling in his face, but a smile still playing on his lips. "Hi". He greeted me. "You okay"?

I silently moved closer to the chair next to him. I couldn't answer him. I knew if I did it would be a lie, and he would know it. "Hi". I greeted him in return ignoring his question.

I sat down next to him, his eyes watching me carefully. "You okay"? He asked again.

I looked at him. Worry evident on his face. His green eyes that were usually filled with confidence were now dripping with concern. His lips held together in a straight line. "I I'm fine".

He watched me carefully as I sat down and took my drawing book and pencils out of my backpack. "Are you"?

I let out a breath "I'm fine. I promise".

"Really? So you're just fine after crying yesterday and hanging up on me for no reason? I'm just supposed to believe that obvious lie". He pointed out, crossing his arms over chest.

I looked him in the eye. The pain of being lied to, evident on his face. "Yes". I told him looking in his eyes.

He closed his eyes only for a second. Uncrossing his arms and leaning forward. "Tell me what's wrong. Please. I can't help you if you don't tell me anything. It's not that I want to know, I need to know. I need to know what is hurting you right now. What really happened yesterday"?

"I". His confession had me speechless. What was I supposed to say? Do? Was I just supposed to jump in his arms crying and spill my life story to him? No. I can't do that. I shouldn't have to put my burden on his shoulders. This was my problem. Something that I have to prepare for, and as much as I hate it. I had to do it alone. "I can't tell you".

He stood up throwing his arms in the air. "You can't tell me? Unbelievable. I'm just trying to help you. Give you someone who you can trust to talk to and all your doing is pushing me away". He zipped up his lunchbox putting it back in his backpack. "You know what? On Saturday. At one, my sister and I will be at Georgetown Park. Meet us there".

He picked up his bag, tossed it over his shoulder and walked out the room. I watched him as he left. "He cares. You know that right? Ms. Manson said, standing behind me.

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