Chapter 9

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Before we start: even though there isn't really much, how do you feel about Dylan and Maia's relationship? Just be honest.

Dylan POV

Perfect. This damn girl seemed to hate the idea of perfect. Nothing she draws or paints is perfect. There's a wilt or cut in the flower. Some hidden sadness behind a person. Something deep down that makes a person not perfect. I know that I've only known her for a day, but she may be damn near not perfect in her own eyes, but she was damn near perfect in mine. 

Fucking cliche, I know, but I can't help it. This girl is a mystery and I just want to solve her. 

Hee body stiffened at my voice, and I knew there was some sort of effect there. "You should clean up. We have to pick up my sister first". I reminded her. 

There were two reasons as to why I skipped out of PE early. One of them was so I could see Maia, and the other was so we could pick up my sister. Her school got out a half hour earlier than mine, which was fine, but I still felt bad about leaving her there. Getting there early might make her feel a little bit better. 

I walked away from her and sat at a chair waiting. The paper towels from the mess I made earlier were long gone in the trash while she finished her painting. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, opening it. The screen, still on mine and Maia's conversation. I exited out of my conversation with Maia to my conversation with a friend from the past, Josh Ketchum. 

Josh was a childhood friend of mine. When we were younger we got in trouble together, hung out on weekends. My mom even let me go on vacation with Josh's family once. It was pretty great. We're the best of buds. When my family started moving around my freshman year we still made sure to talk. He knew about my sister, and my problems with my mom. Josh was pretty understanding and very, very straightforward. 

Joshua: Wisconsin? The land of cheese, cows, and beer? The parties have got to be lit. 

Me: Lit? Dude. I've only been here for 3 days. 

Joshua: So no parties?

Me: No parties man. 

Joshua: Bummer. So if no parties, hot girls?

Me: Yeah, but I have to focus on my sister. The moves are hard on her and moms not making it any easier for her. 

Joshua: So there are hot girls?

I rolled my eyes at the screen. Of course he would ignore everything and focus on that. 

Me: Yes there are hot girls. Is that the only thing on your brain, man? 

Joshua: Hey, just trying to live out the best years of my life man. Have to take advantage of it, if you know what I mean. 

Me: the fact that I know what you mean disgusts me. 

I looked up from the screen to Maia tossing her bag over her shoulders. 

Me: I have to go pick up my sister. Talk to you later. 

Joshua: If picking up your sister is a code word for get some, have fun. 

Me: I hate you so much right now. 

I stood up from my chair walking over to where Maia stood talking to Ms. Manson. "You ready"? I asked, interrupting their conversation. 

I switched my gaze from Maia to Manson multiple times until I settled my gaze on Maia. The petite girl looked nervous but confident at the same time. "Yeah. Let's,uh, let's go".

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