Chapter 17

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Maia POV

Saturday. I had woken up early this morning, just so I could be ready by one. The time we were meeting at the park. The park seemed like a weird place to meet, but with his little sister it makes sense but still a little weird. I don't know why he wants to meet up. It seems odd seeing as he was mad at me the other day.

I dress up in a dark blue athletic quarter zip and a pair of black leggings. I put on a pair of old beat up tennis shoes and put my hair up in a ponytail. The quarter zip hugs my body and the Heart Monitor that I have yet to take off sticks out a little bit. I ignore it and hope that Dylan won't notice. I grab my phone, my keys and a water bottle. "I'm going out"! I yell to my dad.

"Okay". He calls out from the living room. "Do you want to take that monitor off before you leave"?

"No. I'll be fine. I'll take it off when I get home".

"Okay. Be safe. Do you have your meds with you"?

"My pill case is in my car. I took care of it last night. I'm all ready to go".

"Just checking. Have fun".

"I will". I wave to him even though he can't see me. "Bye".

I exit the house and go to my car opening the door and getting in the driver's seat. I close the door and buckle up starting the vehicle. She starts nicely which has me hoping she won't break down anytime soon. Music from the radio immediately pours out of the speakers. ABBA's Take a Chance on Me fills the car. I shake my head and change the song from the radio to whatever CD I have in. I'll Never Break Your Heart by The Backstreet Boys starts playing through the speakers. I smile at the song choice, according to my dad it was one of my moms favorites. He used the song lyrics to propose to her.

I pull out of the driveway and begin the drive to the park. I'm curious as to why he chose a park. Especially on the weekend, every kid and their parent would be there seeing as its beautiful outside. The sun is shining and few clouds are in the sky. A slight breeze shakes the trees, and birds sing happily. If he wanted privacy the chances of us getting that was very small.

When I arrive at the local park I pull into the gravel parking lot. Few cars are parked meaning that most of the kids playing either walked or carpooled. I immediately see Dylan standing at the cab of his track and baseball bat placed against his shoulder. He wears a grey shirt with blue sleeves, a pair of grass stained and worn out jeans, worn out tennis shoes and a blue baseball cap. Something is embroidered in the cap but I can't tell what it is from here. A smile plays on his face but quickly disappears making me question if it was even there.

I park next to him and turn off my bug, grabbing my water bottle and stepping out. "Hey"! I greet from across my bug.

I walk around my vehicle to see him helping Callie out of the cab. "Maia"! She yells excitedly.

She two is dressed in old worn out clothes.Jeans similar to Dylan's but a bright green shirt with a pawprint in the middle of it. He probably made her wear that shirt so he wouldn't lose her, She has a baseball in her hand. "Have you ever played baseball"? She asks standing in front of me, her brother stands behind her and I can feel his gaze on me observing me.

"No. I'm not really a sports person. I'm more into art". I answer.

The smile on her face falters for a second before coming back even bigger than before. "That's okay. Dylan's going to show me how to throw a ball like her does, maybe he can show you too".

I looked up to Dylan and he just shrugged in response. "Maybe. Sister comes first though".

"Of course". I responded.

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