Chapter 12

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Dylan POV

Acting as my sister's older brother and parental figure was the hardest responsibility of my life. Every morning I would set an alarm for 4:45am so I could shower and get dressed before I wake up my sister at 5:15am and help her get ready. I would make her and myself our lunches for school and breakfast to start our day. I would make sure that we both have our homework done and in our backpack and have everything we could need for the day, like pencils, notebooks, pens, ect. I would always have her to school by 6:00am. After that I would drive myself to school and sit in the parking lot taking a nap or finishing whatever homework I couldn't get done the night before.

Each time we moved I would do the same thing. Adjusting the times of the alarms if needed. Moving here was no different. I was currently finishing up in the bathroom. I tied a towel around my waist. My dark wet hair sticking in clumps on my forehead and neck. I stepped out of the bathroom going to my room, taking a peek out the window as my moms car pulled out of the driveway. Never staying to wish us a good day, or tell us good luck on a test. Always leaving us to raise ourselves. She never left a note on the fridge or counter either. It used to bother me, but after five almost six years of this shit I got used to it and now I accept it. Doesn't keep it from hurting knowing that I have a mother who doesn't care.

I shake my head and close the curtain. Light still seeps in, but the room is still dark. I turn on the light and pull out a pair of boxers, jeans and a shirt from my still unpacked boxes. I put the ensemble Ive chosen on. My green shirt clings to my slightly wet skin. I ignore the strange feeling it leaves and go to my sisters room. I open her door a crack peering in. A sliver of light from the hallway lights up some of her room. She's asleep on her bed. Looking peaceful. Her arms spread out and her blankets a mess covering her. Her hair splayed over her face and a nest on her pillow. I open the door more walking over to her bed and kneeling down at her side. "Hey sleepy monkey". I whisper, brushing her hair off her face. "It's time to wake up".

She wiggles a bit and lets out a noise telling me she's waking up. I stay next to her waiting for her to fully wake up. Her hands move from their original position and move to her face rubbing her eyes. I pull my hand away from her face. She turns her head and looks at me. "Morning Dilly".

Despite how much I hate that nickname I smile at her. "Morning Cal. Come on. It's time to get up".

I pat her bed standing up. She pulls the covers off herself and swings her feet off the bed. I turned to walk out of her room turning on the light switch. "Pick your outfit for the day, and grab a brush from the bathroom. I'll do your hair for you".

She nodded sleepily but stood up out of bed. I took that as my cue to go make breakfast. I went into the kitchen turning on the light and grabbing my phone off the counter. I left my phone in the kitchen last night when I went to bed, which is fine, just means I'll have to charge it in my truck. As I suspected my phone was at 30%. Definitely charging it in the truck. I opened the fridge pulling out the egg carton. Surprisingly my mom went to the store on her way home from work, which was nice. I could finally eat something other than cereal for breakfast, and not have to worry about Callie having money for lunch. I pulled out a pan and spray butter. I set the pan on the stove spraying some butter on it before turning on the stove. I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard and cracked a few eggs in there before grabbing a fork and scrambling them up. I poured the eggs in the hot pan grabbing a rubber spatula moving around the eggs. "Dilly". Callie called out.

I turned around to see her standing at the entrance to the kitchen in the hallway. Her hair was still a mess, but she held a brush, something that would fix that problem. She wore an orange shirt and a pink skirt, instead of her previous frozen pajamas. "Yes monkey"?

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