Chapter 2

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Dylan POV

Life for me has always been changing. School? I've never been at just one for more than a few months. My mom's job causes us to move around alot. She works in advertising, always moving from company to company. She gets bored of the scenery quickly so we never stay in one place for long. Truthfully I think she's afraid of him finding us. By him, I mean my dad. When he lost his job, because he stole from his company or some shit, he always changed the story, he started drinking. Drinking leads to becoming an alcoholic, and that he did. Shortly later he started physically abusing my pregnant mother, blaming all his problems on her and we left. She got a better job offer, and we packed up and left while he was out at the bar.

I don't think he's out there looking for us, but if he is, good luck. By the time he finds us we'll probably be moving again.

Now we live in little Georgetown Wisconsin, a small town thirty minutes away from Milwaukee, and my new school of the month was Georgetown East Highschool. Sounds like a High School Musical if you ask me. Most people would enter their new school through the office doors so they didn't get lost, but not me. I entered through the front door and well, let's just say I'm currently lost.

The halls of blue or white lockers seem endless. The schools are not that big and I'm lost in a maze of students. I see a girl, probably a fellow senior at her locker. Who stops at their locker on the first day? We don't have shit yet.

She was small, like super short and she was wearing a blue hoodie. It matched the Blue of her locker. Someones trying to blend in. "Excuse me". I called out to her as she went to turn away.

She turned towards me looking straight at my chest. Damn she was short. When her blue eyes met mine I felt the wind leave my lungs. She was beautiful, honestly. She wasn't one of those girls who caked their face with makeup, hell, I don't think she had any makeup on her. The bright blue of her eyes didn't look like a fake contact lens; they looked real and made her look like an angel.

His brown hair framed her small face and ran just past her shoulders. "Ummmmmm, yeah"?

Her voice was light and airy. Almost like she was nervous or had anxiety. "Do you know where the main office is"?

She better otherwise I'm going to look like a dumbass for asking another new student where the office was. "Yeah. It's back that way. Go as far forward as you can without exiting the school and it'll be in that hallway".

She turned around and started walking away from me. Yeah we're not gonna let that happen. "Thanks".

I followed after her. We are going the same way after all. Couldn't hurt, could it. She gave me this look that was asking me what the hell was I doing. "Just because I gave you directions does not mean you need to follow me".

I shrugged my shoulders keeping in step with her. "I know, just figured we were going the same way. Dylan''. I stuck my hand out to her, which was stupid to do, we were walking, shes not going to stop and shake my hand.

She lifted up one eyebrow confused. "Maia"?

Sounded like a question rather than an answer, doesn't matter. "Pretty name...".

"If you say for a pretty girl this conversation is over".

Damn. She guessed me right. "No, I was gonna say..". I ran a hand through my hair thinking. What did I think she was earlier? "For an angel".

"Nope. That's it. We're done here. Bye". She waved a hand at me and left me standing in the middle of the hallway staring after her. "But I didn't say 'for a pretty face". I mumbled to myself. "Well damn".

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