Chapter 21

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Pre apology, but this chapter was written on my phone, so there is most definitely spelling errors. So I apologize in advance. I will fix them either when I edit or get back on my comput.

Maia POV

When we walked out of the base diamond that Saturday we both went our own separate ways. Neither of us spoke, but we didn't need to. After our talk and I witnessed Dylan, in what should be his natural habitat, we both had a better understanding of one another. The understanding wasn't a hundred percent there. We still had some gaps and empty space left to fill, but I think our canvas of each other is clean, and simple. Simple is the way it should be for us both right now.

I mean, I'm waiting on news of my health and Dylan just moved here. He still has to get used to this new place he's in and work out the kinks. So simple it is.

Speaking of news of my health. When I got home after the bet on Saturday, I took the monitor off of its resting place on my chest. The stickiness of the pads on the monitor that kept it on my skin, left red rashes. The rashes itch a lot and left my skin dry. My least favorite part after wearing a monitor.

The monitor is now on it's way back to wherever it came from and I'm hoping to have some sort of news soon, but it will be a few weeks, so now it's the waiting game.

The rest of my weekend I spent drawing, doing homework or playing video games with my dad. When he has a stressful work week or I've had a stressful school week, or in this case he had a stressful work week and I'm just stressed in general, we unwind by playing video games. Its one of the things that keep us close together and allows us to connect. We each have our different strengths when it comes to video games. While he's a pro at the violent video games, like ones with hand eye coordination I'm good at the games meant for children. My hand eye coordination isn't all that great when it comes to video games. So when we play ones that are 1v1 I get my ass handed to me. This weekend we ended up playing a lot of combat games. We both where mad at the world and decided to take it out on digital characters. 

Aside from the losses that we both faced this weekend Dylan and I still messaged each other. They weren't long conversations, just short messages mostly from his end, asking about my mom. I shared with him an image of the flower I drew on the first day of school, telling him that it was my moms favorite flower, and was from an image of her I found. He sent me pictures too, mostly images his sister made him send. Selfies of her and him, a video of her pitching a ball at their fence. Which she claimed was just like Dylan would, but I could picture him shaking his head saying no behind the camera.

One image he sent me really stood out to me. On Sunday he ended up working with some clay. The reason why I say clay and not pottery is very simple. He took a block of clay and shaped it into a flower. Specifically the flower I shared with him. He claimed it took him all day, which I believe. It was a slightly enlarged version of the flower, all the pestles perfectly wrinkled and bent to look as close as it could to my original image.

He told me, in his own words "You can have it as long as you paint it. So I don't fuck it up".

I would wonder why he put time in to make that, but the fact that he did do it for me, makes me look past the why.

Our last message of the weekend was from him. Telling me he ran his wet clay hands through his hair again. I'm guessing this is going to become a thing with him.

Dylan wasn't the only one who messaged me this weekend. Nadia did as well. Most of our messages where her requesting I tell her everything that happened on Saturday. Which I told her, but left out the part that we almost kissed, not really wanting to open that can of worms.

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