Chapter 22

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Please read authors note at the end, or not. Your choice, can't force you. 

Dylan POV

After we left the baseball diamond Maia and I parted ways. I took Callie and myself back home, where I continued to teach her how to pitch a ball correctly. Like I did when I was younger she learned pretty quickly. After a few successful attempts I took a video if her pitching the ball to fence. A simple pitch, one that for me was a fast ball, but for her was just a normal throw. She made sure I didn't just send her a video of the pitch but her claiming she was just like me. No. She's not. Not yet. Too young and too new to the sport. 

During her last attempt I caught my mom standing at the glass patio door watching us. When we locked eyes her face contorted into a thin line of disappointment. At me, and Callie. I don't really give a shit what she thinks. Callie is happy doing this and there is no problem with it. Softball is a sport she can do. I wonder if she would like it if I signed her up for softball during the summer. If we're even here till then. 

During dinner the table was silent except for the sounds of silverware against plates and the soft sounds of chewing. Mom stared at me from across the table, but I avoided eye contact. Again, I don't really give a shit what she thinks, and I don't want to deal with whatever drama she's going to try to cause. 

After dinner Callie left to play in her room and I went back to mine. Leaving my mom to do the dished while I did homework. I continued to talk with Maia, but they where small conversations. I brought up the topic of her mom and she shared a bit about the flower I caught her drawing on the first day. It was a flower her mom had in her hair from a picture she has of her. It was stuck in her head since the day she saw it and chose to draw it that day. She also told me that her mom was or is a huge backstreet boys fan. What is it with girls and boy bands? She shared with me an image of the drawing she did. After she shared the image I started planning a surprise for her. Something that I would work on tomorrow. 

I put my homework away and grabbed my own sketchbook. I don't use my sketchbook in the same way that Maia uses hers. I use mine as a sort of blue print for designs of clay or potter pieces. Mostly the difficult ones, a category this one fit into. I opened it to a clean page and grabbed a pencil, bringing to the paper and working on an idea. 

A couple pages of crumpled up paper later I had an idea. I came up with the idea of making a flower pedestal. The petals curve up as they should then back down, but the curve at the top would be more flat so she could place something on it, but still have the nice subtle down curve. The middle of the flower I designed to be like a cupholder. So she could put a water bottle or something in it, and the anther and filament would wrap up around it.  This project would require a lot of wire for a structure to keep it stable, but I can make it work. 

I let out a yawn, the day catching up to me. I turned on my phone to check the time, which read 1:08am. Guess its Sunday. I opened the texting app and sent Maia a quick text wishing her a happy Sunday. I looked at her name at the top of the screen then too the design on my desk and smiled. I think she's going to love this. 

I turned my chair towards the door so I could get up and start getting myself ready for bed. I was greeted by my mom leaning against the door frame watching me. "What are you still doing up"? She asked. 

"I could ask you the same thing". 

I stood up out of the chair and pushed it back to its position facing the desk. I closed my book before she could see it and give me some sort of lecture. "You need to start taking care of yourself Dylan. You need to get a healthy amount of sleep if you want to do well at school".

"Okay". I ignored. 

I grabbed a T-shirt from my drawer to replace my current shirt from earlier. I turned back to her silently asking her to leave. "I gave birth to you and I've changed your diapers. I've seen you naked before Dylan".

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