Chapter 5

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Dylan POV

There are many things in this world I am willing to try. Baseball? Tried it and loved it, but that’s a story for another time. Pottery? Tried it, and I love it. Healthy smoothies? No, not really. So why did I try it? That is a story for now. Well the short artist next to me got it and was told she would love it, so I made a sacrifice to see if I would like something she likes and well, I don’t. I’m not a fruity kind of guy. I prefer chocolate or bitter, but obviously I fell into the wrong hole of trust, which bit me in the ass. This Passion Fruit Strawberry thing was really really sweet, and pink, very much pink. It’s something that I will never get again. I should have just gone with the hot chocolate. 

I took a look at Maia out of the corner of my eye as we all put assignments in our planner. She closed a travel pill container and placed it back in her backpack, zipping it up. She put the pill in her mouth and tilted her head back as she took a sip of her smoothie. I wasn’t able to see the size of the pill, but could tell it was small if she was able to get it in her mouth without me noticing. She caught me staring at her. My eyebrow raised in curiosity questioning her. “Headache”. She stated. 

Yeah. I’m calling bullshit. Aleve and Tylonal or Advil or whatever pain reliever drugs are out there are big pills. There’s no way that's what it was, but I’ll let this go. 

By the time we have all finished putting half of our assignments in, we’ll get the other half tomorrow. Most of us had either finished our drinks or were almost done with them. I fell into either category. I had barely touched the drink. Nadia and Holly had finished theirs and Maia’s was almost gone. I leaned back in my chair after I was done putting all my school junk back in my bag. “So, how did you two meet”? I gestured to Holly and Nadia.

“We met over the summer”. Nadia stated. “I almost drowned and she saved me. Saving my life”. 

“Really”? I asked. “Thats awesome”.

“It would have been a better story if it wasn’t from the kiddie pool”? Holly retorted.

I raised an eyebrow in shock and curiosity. I looked at Maia out of the corner of my eye. “What”?

Maia rolled her eyes. “Over the summer Nadia forced me to go to the waterpark with her, because someone cute worked there. We went there every Friday for weeks till she could get confident enough to talk to them”. 

“She gained the confidence right”?

“Nope”. Maia stated popping the P.

“I got the idea to have them save me, and that day, she happened to be working the kiddie pool, and let's just say I’m lucky I’m a good actress”.

“So you pretended to drown in like three inches of water”? I asked. 

This group is interesting. “No”. Nadia stated happily. 

I followed my eyebrows in confusion. “Then how”?

“She ‘fainted’ and had Holly drag her out of the pool to resuscitate her. They ended up calling an ambulance and we were both kicked out of the water park and invited to never return”. Maia explained. 

“You got banned? From a waterpark? All because you wanted to talk to Holly”? This story is unbelievable. “And I thought we did crazy things just to talk to a girl. You take it to a whole new level”. 

“Thank you”. Nadia stated, bowing in her chair. Her black hair falling over face. “I take that as a compliment”. 

“Where did you move here from”? Holly asked. 

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