Chapter 14

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Dylan POV

As she walked away part of heart followed her. I wanted her to tell me her problems. Share them with me and I'd do the same in return. I wanted to comfort her everytime she cried. Make her understand that whatever path she's going down, she's not walking alone. I wanted to be there for her, but right now it seems like it's something she doesn't want. So, I'm just going to have to stand here and wait. Hopefully I would have enough time that she would.

I spent the rest of the lunch hour sitting where she sat staring at the table. My phone sat on the table in my peripheral vision. The light flashing telling me I had notifications, but I ignored it. I knew they were all from my mom. Maybe one from Josh, but I doubt it. He was more of a facetime now worry about what I'm doing later.

When the bell rang signalling the end of lunch I silently got up and left the classroom. Nodding at Ms. Manson as I left. In biology I sat in my seat and barely paid attention to class. The teacher was talking about photosynthesis or something about plants.

When the bell for that class rang I gathered my things and silently left the classroom heading back to the art room. When I entered the classroom I looked around for Maia, but remembered she's at a doctor's appoint- I mean family thing. I took a seat in the chair next to where she would sit. I took off my back pack placing it beside me. I pulled my phone out deciding to finally look at the messages my mother sent me.

Mom: You will not use that language with me young man! I am your mother. You will not call me by my first name.

Mom: I have no idea where this new attitude of yours is coming from but I'm sick of it.

Mom: This attitude is done. You hear me? Done. Start treating me with some respect and maybe, just maybe I'll let you try out for the baseball team in the spring.

Mom: After school you will pick up your sister and then go straight home, and do your homework. You will be up when I get home and we will talk. Got it?

Mom: I said got it?

Mom: Now you're ignoring me? How very mature.

Mom: You are grounded. Only school and homework for the next two weeks!

I rolled my eyes. How mature indeed. "Hi Dylan". A perky voice prevented me from typing back a response.

I looked up and saw Makkenna sitting in the seat next to me. A fake flirtatious smile plastered on her lips and her brown eyes dark with a hidden meaning. Her long blonde hair cascaded over the shoulders in big curls. Hm, Callie would look adorable with curls. I should learn how to use a curling iron. "Seats taken". I state looking back at my phone, my fingers over the screen to type back a response.

Fake pink acrylic nails push my phone down into my lap. I look up again to see Makkenna's face inches from mine. My eyes widened in surprise. Her smile laced with something mischievous and her eyes glittered with fake innocence. Like her nails. "It is. By me".

"No. That's Maia's seat". I tell her.

I let my phone drop to my lap and push her hands away, pushing her back in her seat in the process. "Who's Maia? I don't see Maia. Do you see a Maia"? ''She turns back towards Nadia who had taken the same seat she took last time behind me and Maia.

Nadia's lips curl up in a satisfied smirk. "No I don't see Maia, but I do see a fake try hard bitch who can't tell when someone's not interested".

Makkenna's smile falters, but she turns back towards me and her smile returns. "Whatever. Just let me know if you ever want to not hang with a loser".

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