Chapter 23

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Dylan POV

Monday morning started out rough. I ended up sleeping through my first alarm and did not wake up until my alarm to wake up Callie went off. 

I turned off the alarm and sleepily got out of bed trudging to Callie's room where she was sleeping peacefully in her bed. I went over to her, avoiding her toys littered on the floor. "Callie". I yawned rubbing my eyes. 

She stirred but did not wake up. I pulled the covers down. "Cals. Wake up". 

She stirred again rubbing her eyes. "Dyl"? She asked sleepily.

"No its the boogie man". I joked. "It's time to get up. Think you can get yourself ready this morning? I still have to shower".

She looked at me confused. "Don't you do that before you wake me up"?

"Usually. Alarm didn't wake me up this morning". I stood up. "Come on. Lets get moving". 

I patted her bed before leaving her room going straight to the bathroom, and closing the door. 


When it came to dropping Callie off at school she was late. I blame it on myself. If I would have finished my homework on Saturday instead of talking to Maia or designing the flowed pedestal I wouldn't have been up late last night. 

When I got myself to school, the parking lot was uncharacteristically full, but my parking spot in the back was surprisingly still open. I parked my truck, taking the keys out of the ignition, grabbed my bag rushing out of the vehicle. I ran into the school, locking my truck with a click from the key fob behind me. 

Due to my lateness I ended up not seeing Maia this morning, and I wouldn't see her at all today, unless I decided to leave PE early and go bug her in the art room. She would probably kill me if I did that. She wasn't to happy when I did that last time. 

I wouldn't see her during lunch today either as I was sitting with a couple of guys who befriended me in PE. Jocks as you can assume. 

When I sat down at they table they all greeted me with various versions of "Hey man".

"Sup". I greeted. 

I took my lunch box out of my backpack, curious as to what snacks Callie filled it with while I made our sandwiches. "Mommy's still packing you lunch". The guy named Tyler joked. 

"Nah, team effort with my sister". I corrected, unzipping the bag. I took out the sandwich unwrapping it from the bag. "Besides it's healthier than whatever you got there". I gestured to what was probably supposed to be mashed potatoes and gravy. "Looks like dog food".

Tyler shook his head. "No way man. This is the food of champions. I'll prove it to you when the football teams wins on Friday". He took a scoop of the potatoes eating them, smiling at me as remnants remained on his teeth.

"Yeah, that will get you a girlfriend man". Travis pointed out. 

As you can figure out Tyler is a football player. He's a heavier guy, mostly from muscle and whatever his diet choice is. He's a defenseman is all I know. I'm not the biggest fan of football, as I'm more of a baseball kind of guy, but I'll go to the game. I wonder if I could get Maia to go with me. Hanging out with a friend might be better than watching guys wrestle for a football. 

Travis is like me. We both play baseball. Which is how we started talking. I over heard him talking to Tyler about the team this year. Trying to get Tyler to convince Gray, the quarterback to tryout as the pitcher this year. Apparently their pitcher graduated last year, and the player who was supposed to take over this year switched schools. Coincidence or luck? You choose. 

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