Chapter 7

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Maia's POV

Butterflies. That's what was in my stomach, butterflies. Not this guy makes me nervous and it's love at first sight, butterflies. More like what the hell did I just do. I'm overthinking everything and it's making me sick in my stomach. 

I let the car stay silent and free of sound, letting me stay deep in my own thoughts. My brain was telling me that it was stupid to give him my number. He'll never call me, or text me, or talk to me again. but my heart. My broken, messed up heart was telling me otherwise. It was screaming to me that he would call me. He would text me and want to spend every single moment with me. I wasn't sure which to believe, but felt in my terrified gut that both would be right.

Sick of hearing my brain and heart argue, I turned on the radio. Not to my CD but to the actual radio. I don't know why. I just felt like it was a radio kind of moment. 

What if I hadn't asked for your name?
And time hadn't stopped when you said it to me?

Backstreet boys once again filled the silence of my car. My mom died after I was born and before this song could be released. She would have loved this song. She would have told me that this song is what it feels like to meet the one you're meant to be with. How she felt when she met my dad. That sometimes you have to take a chance and shoot for the possibility that maybe you meeting someone was just by chance.

I would have called her crazy and told her that I will never feel that with anyone. That it's something that I will only ever dream of. 

I pulled into the driveway as the song ended. My dad's red van was also in the driveway. Parked right next to me. I pulled my keys out of the ignition and grabbed my bag. Stepping out of the car I admired our one story house. It was sided with wood that we painted Navy Blue a few years ago. It looked old and lived in. It looked like home. A few flowers and bushes were planted in the front yard giving it more color. I went to the front door opening it. "Hey dad"! I called as I entered. "I'm home". 

I found him in the kitchen with two pans on the stove and a towel on his shoulder. "Hey, peanut. How was school"?

"It was"... I trailed off. How was school? Well… "it was fine. I tripped and spilled my lunch on Makenna so now she hates me. This new guy thinks that he knows me just because he's seen five of my art pieces, and Nadia invited him and Holly on our yearly first day back tradition. So I feel like a third wheel with a bug on my shoulder". 

I did give him my number so I guess he's not that bad of a bug, but we'll see. "Wow. Okay, so Makenna is the mean girl"?

"She's not really the mean girl, she just knows she's better than everyone else so she makes sure everyone knows it. She pushed me after school". I confessed. 

"She pushed you"? He asked, turning to me abruptly. Worry etched all over his face. "Are you okay? Nothing broken? Head feel fine? Heart feels normal, well as normal as it can get"?

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would blow this way over. "I'm fine dad. Really. I'm not a China doll that will break just from a speck of dust". 

He let out a deep breath looking down. "I know. I just worry. I lost your mom and I don't want to lose you". 

I set my bag on the ground. Bending down to grab my phone and sketch book out. "Why don't you just tell Nadia how you feel? You know? Tell her you feel a little left out and you don't want this new kid and Holly taking away your time together". 

My phone buzzed on the counter once I set it down, but I let it be. "I don't know. I don't want her to hate me and ruin their relationship. They're really cute together, but ever since they got together she spends her time with me on her phone texting Holly". 

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