Chapter 4

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Maia POV

The last time I tried something new was freshman year, the day of homecoming. I was already for the dance in my knee length flowing purple dress. It had sequences on the bodice and it  was sleeveless, but the neckline wrapped around my neck kind of like a turtleneck neck but not. Now that I think back to that dress it was hideous, but when I came out of my room to show my dad he immediately started crying. Saying how pretty a grown up I looked. Saying how much mom would have loved this and enjoyed doing my hair and make up. It was the night I saw how truly sad he was. The night I saw past my loving father and was the man who was struggling. Struggling to live on without the love of his life, struggling to give me the life I needed. 

That night when I came home from the dance I drew my father how he secretly was, heart broken and struggling. It was new to me to see someone in that light and it worked well for me. When it came to the final I drew Ms. Manson how she was. Struggling and in pain. For our beginner art class the final was struggles, so I drew something different than what others were doing. I got an A, and have been seeing others that way for years. Pottery is new for me this year, but Dylan is also new. I can't see past him and it's causing me to struggle. I can't see past him and maybe because I want to, so bad is what's stopping me. "Something new? Interesting". Dylan looked to Nadia. "Why are you taking this class"?

"This one here made me do it". Nadia pointed to me. "Honestly I would rather be in the theatre right now helping Mr. Scott design the set for Hamlet". 

"Set design? Does Maia help with that"? 

"No. She doesn't do designs, just sad people and objects". 

I rolled my eyes. Really sad people and objects. "I don't just draw sad people. I draw other things too". 

"Okay. Keep telling yourself that. We still on for after school"? She pulled out her phone and started typing. 

After school? What do we- ohhh. Every year on the first day of school we do to this cute little cafe downtown and we put all our assignments in our planners and catch up on our summers. "After school? Yeah. You driving or am I"?

"After school"? Dylan asked. 

Oh great he's still here. "What do you after school? On the first day. It's not like you can study". He tucks his hands in his Jean pockets and leans back against the table behind him and crosses his feet at the ankles. 

"Oh we, go to this cute little cafe downtown and catch up on our summer and put our assignments in our planners. You should join us. It's not like you have any other friends". 

I turned to Nadia eyes wide silently pleading for her to take back her offer, but her face was in her phone, not seeing me. "Yeah. Sure". He responds. "Sounds fun. I'll follow whichever you, or we could just carpool in my truck. It'll fit all of us, even if Holly joins". 

"Sweet. I'll text Holly and let her know". 

I mentally face palmed. Great, just great. Now I get to spend a couple hours after school with him. This is gonna be great.

We stood outside the school waiting for Holly to join us. Dylan was unfortunately still coming with us and we were still carpooling in his truck, even after me trying to convince him not to come. That just seemed to make him want to come more. 

Dylan was unfortunately our TA in Beginner Pottery, but that's not even the tip of the iceberg. Makenna was also in that class and she was shooting daggers at me the whole time, all because of that accident in the Lunchroom. I did say I was sorry, and she had a change of clothes so she has no reason to still be mad. 

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