Meeting Him

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"Tommy get back here now." I shouted as I run after my three year son who was running through the shopping centre. His little legs bobbling along as he took each step, his little laugh echoed through the building. "You little munchkin" I giggled as I picked him up in my arms. He looked into my eyes before giggling even more. "Hey mummy" he said in a daze. "Don't hey mummy with that attitude, I nearly lost you" I said sternly, he then looked at me with a sad look. "I'm sorry mummy" I sighed before pulling him into my chest and hugging him tightly.

"Right I'm putting you in your pushchair as I don't want you running away from me again" I said as I strapped him in. "But mummy I'll behave" Tommy cooed. I kissed his forehead. "I know you will but I don't want to lose you" I said softly.

Your dad ran away from me. I don't want you doing the same.

I handed Tommy some crisps and carried on with our day. Today was a retail therapy day, buying new clothes for the both of us was much needed.

As I continued to walk around I heard Tommy cry in hunger, "You hungry baby?" I asked looking down at him from above the pushchair, he nodded with a happy smile whilst grabbing his feet.

Walking in the direction of the food court I found a quiet table and us both down. "Here you go sweetie" I said to Tommy as I handed him a little sandwhich and some water.

Whilst we were eating Tommy was making eye contact with the people around us, smiling his gorgeous smile and even waving at some of them. He was always such a happy little boy.

I couldn't have asked for a better son.

But there was one person that caught my eye, he was sitting a few tables away with two other boys and one girl. The moment we made eye contact I immediately looked away in shyness, my cheeks growing warm.

Shrugging it off i turned my attention back to Tommy, who had crumbs all over his face and water marks down his top. "Oh Tommy, you little munchkin" I said with a laugh. Grabbing some baby wipes out of my bag i gently wiped his face.

As I was about to pull away he took hold of my hands and hugged them. My heart melted at his actions.
Once I finished cleaning him up I put everything back into the bags and rested them into the pushchair.
Strapping Tommy back in, I locked eyes with the guy once more before smiling and walking away.

Taehyung's POV
I saw her walking away. That must be her son, he looks just like her. I had to get to know her.

"Someone caught your eye Tae?" Jimin teased with a smirk.

I scoffed. "N-no, I was just looking around you know" I stuttered as I took a sip of my drink. "It was the girl in the red jacket wasn't it?" Hoseok asked with a grin. "I knew it" Jimin shouted. "Hey shhh" Jimin's girlfriend Dani scolded. "What? I knew Tae was looking at her, you should have seen the way she blushed when he looked at her. It's love at first sight" Jimin cooed.

I rolled my eyes. "Ok. Ok. Fine I was checking her out" Dani, Jimin and Hoseok smiled to my confession. "Well go after her then." Hoseok spoke shooing me away. "No I can't do that" I taunted in panic. "She'll think I'm stalking or creeping up on her. She has a little boy so no doubt she has a boyfriend or even husband" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Well I didn't see a wedding ring."

"We can come with you. We can pretend we're shopping for your little sister" Dani said making me perk up. "Deal"

Gathering our belongings we exited the food court and headed after the girl.
Looking back and forth along the shops she was no where to be found.

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