My Bully

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Warning: Please do not read if your sensitive to self harm.

"Have a lovely day sweetie" my father shouts from the car as he drops me off outside the schools gates. I rolled my eyes, "yes I will" I said with a fake smile. "See you at home" he says as I close the door and headed on in.

Pulling up my jumper closer to my neck and looked down with every step I took. People in the school stopped and stared at me; even though I couldn't see them I felt each of their gazes on me.

Heading for my locker and opening it up I was suddenly pushed roughly against them. "Ow!" I winced in pain, "ohh, did baby girl slip?" Turning around I was met with my bully Taehyung. The bad boy yet somehow the heart throb of the school.

"I asked you a question sweetie" he spat whilst pushing me further against the lockers.
Looking into his eyes I pushed him back and continued to gather my books.

"Taehyung there you are" looking across I saw Taehyung's friends walking toward us. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook spat. "Come on we've got class to get to, you don't wanna be around this worthless girl do you?" Jimin added.

Hearing a pathetic laugh escape from Taehyung's lips Jungkook stood close before they all turned away and laughed amongst themselves.

Tears soon brimmed in my eyes.

Am I really that worthless?

Scanning all the old bruises on my arm a chunk of my heart faded away.
Throwing my bag over my shoulder I closed my locker door before heading to class.

Once i arrived and took my seat I felt something hit the back of my head. Turning back I heard giggling, it was Jimin and Jungkook. Leaning down I up the scrunched up piece of paper to read.

Hey looser. Another day we all get to see your ugly face. Meet me at the bike sheds after school.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Why do they have to be so mean?" I whispered to myself. Wiping my tears away I scrunched the paper back up and put it into my bag, making sure my teacher didn't see.

"You better be there you looser" Taehyung spat with a harsh whisper.

"Kim Taehyung" the teacher shouted. "Is there anything you'd like to share with the class?" Taehyung shook his head, "No miss, sorry miss." She rolled her eyes at his sad lie before turning back to the board.

End of school

Clenching onto my books I made my way out of school. "Where do you think your going looser?" I froze in my tracks. "It doesn't look like she's heading for the bike sheds, more like she's escaping from us" Jungkook glares. "J-just l-leave me alone" I stutter.

"Taehyung is waiting for you precious girl." Grabbing my arm Jimin forces me to walk ahead. "Move" he spat harshly.

Once we arrived I locked eyes with Taehyung. "Ahh there you are" he smiles evilly. "She was trying to escape" Jimin says as he throws me to the ground, causing me to scrape my hands and knees. Squealing in pain I looked down to see my knees already bleeding.

As I tried to regain my stance I was pushed back down. "So worthless" Jungkook laughs. Tilting my head I felt someone's hand come in contact with my face.

When will this ever end?

"Just leave y/n. You'll be doing everyone a favour." Taehyung said whilst kneeling down to me. Blood soon gushing out of my lip and nose. "Get her up boys." Taehyung ordered "No please" I screamed as I tried to get out of their grip.

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