Pretend (2)

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"You've got icecream on your nose" Jungkook giggles at me. I cross my eyes and look downward to my nose. "No I don't" I scoff. Jungkook smirks as he suddenly shoves his ice cream onto my nose. "Hey" I shout as he starts running away. "Get back here" I giggle as he continues to run. "I have small legs" I whine causing him to slow down. "Not my problem your short" he chuckles. I roll my eyes. "Arse wipe" I mumble.

"You love me really" Jungkook teases. I roll my eyes. "You wish" I reply. "Aren't you gonna shove your ice cream on my nose?" Jungkook asks, I shook my head. "No I'm a nice person unlike you plus I don't want your germs in my icecream" I say before taking a lick and walking away. "I don't have germs" Jungkook states unhappily.

Few hours later

"I really enjoyed today" Jungkook says walking me to my door. I smiled "I did too" Jungkook scratches the back of his head in shyness, "W-well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" "It's a Saturday tomorrow kookie" I state. "I know" he simply replies. "Is that way of you asking me out again?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Well is it working?" Jungkook smirks.

"I guess so" I say unlocking my door. "What do you mean you guess?" He asks in concern. "Hey" I turn around. "I'm kidding, I would love to" My heart began to beat fast. Jungkook grins. "Shall I pick you up tomorrow? Let's say 1pm?" I nodded. "Sure I'll see you then" Jungkook places his hand onto my arm as he leans in to kiss my cheek. "See you tomorrow princess" he smiles before turning around and walking home.

I chuckle softly before opening my door and closing it behind me. "Who's that?" My mum asks making me jolt in shock. "Ah mum" She also jumping in shock to my sudden reaction. "I'm sorry darling" she says softly. "So who's that?" She asks leaning against the door. "Just a friend" I say putting my shoes away. "Just a friend who asks you out on a second date" my eyes widen. "H-how?" My mum approaches me placing her hand onto my shoulder. "I was your age once I know how things go" she says before walking away. "Oh also" she says poking her head around the door. "Taehyung stopped by but I told him you were out" she says and walks away.

"He was here?" I whisper before heading up to my room.

Taehyung's POV: (Before you arrived home)
I stood outside her door with sweaty hands. I was repeatedly saying what I was going to say in my head. I didn't want to mess it up.

The sound of the door unlocking made my heart race. I looked up to not see y/n but her mother. "Oh hello Tae" she said with a smile. I smiled back "Hello, is y/n here?" She shook her head, "No, I haven't seen her since this morning. But she did text to say she was out with a friend."

"Oh right. Ok not to worry" Her mother looked at me concerned. "Is everything ok Taehyung?" She asked, I nodded my head. "Y-yes everything is fine" She smiled. "Well I'll tell her you stopped by." "Thank you" I said before turning around and walking away.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.
Why did I ask her to be my pretend girlfriend?
I'm so stupid

The next day

Your POV:
Knock knock

"Y/n?" My little brother spoke as he entered my room. "Y/n? Mummy said you need to wake up. It's 12 in the afternoon" he whispered as he stood next to my bed. "Huh?" I mumbled. "It's 12 in the afternoon" he replied.

My eyes suddenly widened, I wasn't tired anymore. I threw my bedsheets off my body hitting my little brother. "Oh I'm sorry bud" I apologise hugging him. "It's ok" he said with a smile. "Why are you in a rush?" He asked as I ran around my room like a headless chicken. "I-I'm going out with Jun...friends just friends" he crossed his arms over his small body. "Are you going out with that boy who walked you home yesterday?"

I turned around to hear him giggling. "Scoot" I said ushering him out of my room. "Y/n is going on a date, y/n is going on a date" he repeated as he headed downstairs.


As I tied up the laces on my shoes the doorbell rang, I looked up and ran downstairs. "I got it" I shouted.

Opening the door it revealed a smiling and handsome Jungkook. I blushed at the sight of him, "hey" he smiles "hi" I reply. "Are you ready?" I nod "Yes, let's go" I shouted my parents goodbye and closed the door behind me.

"My lady" Jungkook spoke with a posh English accent as he opened his car door for me. "Thank you" I giggled. "So where are we going?" I asked as he sat in his seat and buckled himself in. "I thought we could go to the mall and have lunch." He turned on the ignition and drove away. "Sounds great" I spoke before looking out the window.

At the mall

"I just need to run to the restroom, I'll be back" Jungkook says before running off for the men's toilets.

Standing against the wall I watched all the people pass by me. Some laughing, some talking, and some just simply walking alone.


I turned around to see someone who I least expected to see. "Taehyung" I said with a whisper. "Y-yeah h-hi" he said nervously. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I erm just having a wonder I guess. What about you?" I gulped. "I erm I'm here with Jungkook"

His smile fell the moment I said Jungkook's name. "Oh. Why?" He asked making me grit my teeth sightly. "What do you mean why?" I asked in anger. "It's just a question don't get annoyed by it." I scoffed. "I'm here with him because I want too and I'm here because he asked me out on a date. Do you have a problem?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes. Yes I do" Taehyung spoke loudly. "I have a problem because he's just trying to get into your pants. He doesn't have feelings for you y/n. He's just using you." I stood back.

What's happened to the old Taehyung?

"Using me really?" I asked in shock. "I think you need to be careful with your choice of words Taehyung because I simply remember you wanting to use me to get with your dream girlfriend." I said with force. Taehyung looked at me with no emotion. I chuckled lightly, "that's what I thought. I'm not a toy Taehyung, I thought we were best friends but clearly not. You just came to me to use me, you never cared about me." "I did. I still do y/n" Taehyung said cutting in. "I-I just" "What?" I asked

"I-I l-lo-" "Y/N" we both turned to see Jungkook walking toward us. "Taehyung" he simply said. "Jungkook" Taehyung replied bluntly. "What brings you here?" Jungkook asked. "Nothing. I was just leaving." He answered before pulling his hood up and walking away.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked in concern as he could see my upset emotion. "I-it's nothing" I said. "It's not nothing y/n. Talk to me" he said softly. Tears brimmed in my eyes. "Woah wait come here" Jungkook spoke bringing me into his embrace. "He said you're just using me to get into my pants and you don't care about me" I cried.

Jungkook pulled away cupping my cheeks. "Baby" he cooed. "I-I didn't...y/n. I'm not using you. I know I have a history of playing with girls but that's in the past now. I feel something different with you and I like it" I looked into Jungkook's eyes "really?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes y/n. Now come on let's go get food" he said wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into his warm embrace.

Later on

"I am so full" I breathed out as I sat into the car. "That dessert was amazing" Jungkook added. "Wasn't it" I agree. "Let's get you home" Jungkook said driving us back along the highway.

"Your mum must will be awake" he says pulling into the driveway. "What do you mean?" I ask not looking up. "The living room light is on." I then look up in confusion. "Strange, my mums usually in bed now as she gets up for work at 3."

Myself and Jungkook got out of the car and entered the house. "Mum" I shouted. "In here" she replies. "I best be going" he whispers. "Thanks for today" I reply softly. "See you soon princess" he whispers before kissing my cheek and leaving the house.

I place my bag down onto the stair case and enter the living room.

"Hey mum- wait what's Taehyung doing here?"

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